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"This tastes nice"

You say before taking another bite from your food, Tyan smiles at you.

"Well,  it is on the house" your eyes widen in shock.

"No, no,  it wouldn't be inappropriate"

Actually, It would be nice, considering you have no money on yourself right now.

"I insist" you nod at him, taking a sip from your drink using a straw.

"Thank you for your kindness" you show your gratitude by smiling at him which causes Tyan's face to heat up.

"So, are you new here in New Orleans, I have never seen you around" Tyan inquires.

"Yeah, I just arrived yesterday" you reply, hoping that the inquiry ends here.

But it only seemed to fuel his curiosity.

"So, you came here with your family... Mother... Father... Sibling... Husband?" 

Seeing how nervous you got at his question, Tyan quickly adds.

"Of course, you don't have to answer any of my questions, sorry for being nosey" 

"No, it is ok, I just came here to live alone, no husband"

"Not many women do that, you are really brave, miss"

"Don't call miss, (Y/n) is just fine, Ty" you assure him, using his nickname.

"You are really kind and beautiful"

"Thanks, I get that a lot" Tyan rolls his eyes playfully at you.

"Now, that is some confidence" 

Suddenly the bell at the top diner door rings, indicating that another customer came.

"Ty, I'm here...oh, who is your pretty friend?"

You watch as a pretty blond boy with blue eyes sits beside his childhood friend.

"This is (Y/n), she is new to town, Charles"

So, this is the genderbend of Charlotte?

What an icon.

"You are pretty, perhaps you are a princess but hiding it to not attract attention"

You chuckle at Charles' cheerfulness and energetic behavior.

"No that is a fine script for a drama show, but I'm not a princess well I was going to be a queen but Adrian ruined it"

You mumble the last part to yourself, still feeling sad about Maleficent.

"Would like me to show you around the town this afternoon in my fancy car" 

Charles offers, giving you a charming smile after moving his eyebrows up and down as a type of way to flirt with you.

"I would love to, but unfortunately I have to return back to my home to arrange my packages" 

You really love Charlotte or Charles.

But you can't risk dealing with another 'obsessive person' right now.

You just want to take a break.

"No worries, my birthday party is tomorrow, and you are invited" Charles stresses out with the same smile on his face.


You say, taking another sip from your cup.

If there is anything that you have learned, it is to go along with the flow.

It is not like you are going to stay in this universe for long.


Adrian's eyes widen in shock, as he sees his boss missing an eye and a hand.

"W-what happened to you, boss?"

Mickey sneers at his employee while clutching his bleeding wrist where his hand is missing.

"Alexander Liddle went completely mad on me, that son of a bitch"

"And what should we do about it?" Adrian asks with narrowed eyes.

"Kill his daughter right in front of his eyes"

Adrian only smirks before uttering the following words.

"You are right, there's no place for a bitch like her"

If he can't have you.

Then no one can.


The faerie king walks out of the portal into an empty alley of New Orleans.

Closing the portal behind him.

"So this is where my beloved mortal resides"

Maleficent says to himself, seeing the people walk past the alley way.

With a click of his fingers, he changes his clothes to match that of this era's fashion.

Maleficent looks down at his outfit with dislike.

"Hmm, mortals always had a bad sense of fashion"

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