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"It is all your fault, you dirty rat! "

Those are the first words that escape your lips, directed as an insult towards the dark-haired man who is standing in front of you.

You launch at him, grabbing Micky by his neck tightly, yet he doesn't even flinch or show fear.

Instead, he only smirks at you.

"You act like you haven't fallen in love with a certain faerie king on your little adventure"

You frown at him, finally letting the words sink in as your grab softens.

"Maleficent... Indeed I love him very much and I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him, but what about my mom?"

"What about your mom? She moved on already, she even got a new boyfriend and they are having a baby"

Hearing those words made your throat tighten.

"What do you mean?" Mickey smiles, removing your hands away from his neck.

"What I mean is that you should stop clutching tightly into a false hope that you are missed because no one misses you"

Your eyes turn glassy at the notion, and as you back away, you became silent.

Because you knew that the moment you open your mouth, you will burst into tears and break down.

There is no way you are allowing yourself to look weak and have Mickey use it against you.

"What? Cat got your tongue, my dear?"

You take a deep breath, calming yourself down first, before replying.

"I don't care, I believe my mom has the right to move on and find happiness"

"You do? Hmm..." Mickey hums as he places a hand on the side of your face gently.

"But, you seem like you are going to burst into tears, you poor poor thing"

You try to slap his hand away from your face, but before you could do so.

The hand of Alex Liddle slaps the head of Mickey causing the boss of Disney to move away from you.

"You can freeze things now, you little twat, but you can't freeze me for long" Alex mocks, standing in front of you.

"Oh, don't act like the overprotective father now, you wanted to murder your daughter for not complying with you" Mickey spat, rubbing his head.

"I would never murder my child, I'm not a low life like you raised in the sewers, Michael"

Your eyes widen as you try to process what you are feeling right now.

You are feeling kind of happy... That your father is standing up for you.

But kind of terrified of the aftermath.

"How about we solve our problems more..."

With a click of his fingers, you disappear into thin air, leaving the two men facing each other.



"What might I get for you, miss?"

You look up from the newspaper you were reading to finally meet the face of one of your favorite princesses.

Except for the fact that she is now a he.

"Yes, but first what's your name?"

"Tyan, but you can call Ty for short"

Dark Disney| Dark Reverse Harem x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now