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"What are you thinking about"

Pocahontas inquires as he sits beside you by the tree you are leaning against.

"I'm thinking about my family, do I have one? If so, why are they not searching for me?"

Your expression turns sour after confessing your thoughts, meanwhile,  your dark-haired friend wraps his hands around your shoulders.

"I'm your family now, you do not need to worry about anything else, Awinita"

You smile at the nickname, which means 'fawn'  Pocahontas calls you that because you can't remember your real name.

And due to the fact that you actually remind him of a fawn.

"Sorry to break the moment between the both of you"

Powhatan, Pocahontas's father states after approaching you and his son.

"But our tribe meeting will be starting,  so prepare yourself,  Pocahontas" the said boy rolls his eyes.

The tribe meeting usually includes the elders of the tribe, the chief,  and also his sons.

"Fine, I will be back after the meeting" You nod your head at him as he gets up and leaves with his father.

While being a good distance away from you,  Powhatan whispers into his son's ear.

"If you want to marry her,  you should have said so, son"

The tribal prince's eyes widen as a blush decorates his cheeks.

"I would rather let her choose who she wants to be with, Father"

The tribe chief chuckles, patting his son's shoulder.

"I'm sure she will wish to spend the rest of her life with you"

Pocahontas shook his head at his father.

"And even if she doesn't choose me, I will stay her loyal friend"



ou walk through the woods, trying to collect as much as herbs as you can to help the women of the tribe.

Collecting herbs feels like Deja vu to you, as you have done it before somewhere else.

While picking up the needed medical herbs,  however,  you get interrupted by the sound of shoes.

You quickly turn around to face a man with blond hair, and blue eyes, his clothes are fancy.

The same descriptions that Pocahontas told you about colonizers.

Backing away from him in fear, he starts walking towards you.

"Wait, I mean you no harm"

This language?  Is the same language you spoke to Pocahontas when you met him.

"I just came to rescue you"

"Came to rescue me from what?" you inquire in English, causing John's eyes to widen.

"So those savages kidnapped you and enforced their savage ways upon you"

Hearing his accusations made your blood boil from rage before your eyes narrowed at him.

"Savage?  You are the one who is savage,  you are the enemy!"

John smirks in amusement.

"They brainwashed you into believing such lies, disgusting-"

Before he could continue his insults, an arrow passed by his leg,  scratching it before it hits the ground.

The arrow was shot by none other than Kocoum.

Who is standing nearby,  holding an arrow pointed at John's head

"Get away from the girl or you die"

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