ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶

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"Because the good always wins" you raise a mocking eyebrow.

"What if I fall for a villain instead?" The fairy godfather chuckles.

"As I mentioned before you are going to get a wicked ending which means you aren't going to get home soon" you snort at his reply.

"What is this? a game? You know what, I just want to go home, alright, I will marry a good character" Adrian's face brightens up.

"And no, I won't marry Ellard" his expression falls.

"I guess that's ok, but let me warn you about one thing" Adrian announces.

"What is it?"

"There will be many obstacles in your way of marrying a good character, just like in the fairy tales" you roll your eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I will not take any apples from strangers, and won't prick my finger on spinning wheels, what else"

Adrian smirks at your mockery and pops your nose with his wand.

"No, I don't mean those types of obstacles, what I mean is that the villains will try to kidnap you, so better watch out"

Adrian was about to leave but stops in his tracks.

"Oh by the way, just because the princes and some characters are protagonists, doesn't mean they won't do the same especially the ice king"

Ice King?

Oh, Elsa.

You were going to ask him more questions, but he disappeared.

"Damn though, fairy godfather is hot"

Suddenly, he appears in front of you again causing you to gasp.

"I just came back to get this" he picks up his fallen napkin and smiles at you.

You chuckle nervously, thinking that he heard, but thankfully he didn't-

"And I know that I'm hot, thanks, darling"


The next morning, you find Snow White at your door holding a bouquet, and a smile on his face.

"Good morning, my lady" you smile and take the flowers from him to hand it to a servant so they can place them in a vase.

"Good morning, your highness" you greet him back.

"I have ordered my servants to come with me and bring all the necessities for you" you nod your head slowly.

"Thank you for your kindness"

You didn't want to sound rude and tell him that you don't need any of it.

Ok, that's a lie, you actually like free stuff, so you didn't object.

"There is no need to thank me, I just want to keep you safe, my lady" he utters out with a blush on his pale face as he stares at you.

"Hmm" you hum.

Snow White seems nice and harmless.

He is perfect for what you are about to ask him.

"Is there something troubling you, Lady (Y/n)?" Snow asks when he sees you deep in thought.

"Yes...actually...there is a problem" you admit, patting your lashes at him.

"What is wrong?" He grabs both of your hands into his own.

"I'm cursed" the prince's eyes widen at your lie.

"Who cursed you? Tell me and I will punish them" you hold in a giggle, and look away from him.

"An unknown person cursed me because they hate my parents" you explain.

"How can I help you break the curse?" you hesitate.

Snow White is the nicest person you met so far even though he acts a bit like a yandere.

But he will do.

"I need to marry so the curse could be broken"

In less than a minute, Snow White is down on one knee in front of you, still holding your hands.

"Then will you marry me?"



The moment Snow White leaves the manor,  you let out a relieved sigh, happy that your plan has succeeded.

Marrying Snow White means that you complete your mission and could return back home.

However, you don't get to have peace as your maid rushes in, and tells you that there's an important guest downstairs.

And the moment you meet eyes with your guest's eyes, you cruse yourself for being stupid.

"So you are the whore who has made my stepson fall for her"

Grimhild or rather the evil king is sitting comfortably on one of the seats, his legs are crossed.

He grins when he sees you glaring at him.

The evil king scans your body and face with his eyes then snickers.

"Is there something funny, your Majesty" you demand?

"Yes, the fact that the mirror said you are the most beautiful woman in the kingdom when I see that you look either average"

The way he is making fun of you doesn't bother you at all.

"Yes, well at least I'm young, are those wrinkles?"

Grimhild narrows his eyes at you, before standing up and walking slowly towards you.

The moment he stands in front of your figure, he grabs you by your cheeks.

"How about I fix that problem by bathing in your blood?"

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