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The tribal boy stares down at you, not removing his spear from your neck.

"I'm not here to hurt you or anyone" you exclaim, standing up slowly to avoid the spear.

"How can I be sure that you are speaking the truth" Kida spats, not trusting you at all.

"Because if I wanted to hurt you, I would have already done it" you explain.

"Plus you are the one who is holding the weapon, not me"

Slowly, the spear is removed from your neck.

"Thank you for removing the weapon-"

You squeal loudly when the Atlantic prince picks you up and throws you over his left shoulder as if you weigh nothing.

"Can you please let me down? I can pretty much walk on my own" you request politely.

"I know, I'm carrying you so that you don't escape"

Your face heats up at his low and haunting voice, your body feeling his hard muscles.

Kida is hot...but the male version of her is something else.

The size difference between you two is huge Kida is probably about 6'2 and you have a small figure compared to his much tougher one.

So, fighting against him will result in a zero chance for you to win against him.

"Where are you taking me?" You ask with a curious tone.

"You seem to like asking lots of questions for a captive" he teases.

When he calls you 'captive', you huff in annoyance.

"Captive, that's no way to treat me" Kida rolls his eyes.

"Would you rather I call princess or queen?"

"I prefer empress, honestly, I was getting married to a prince," you say, poking his back playfully.

You don't know it, but Kida enjoys your touch.

Even though he just met you and he doesn't warm up to strangers.

But, for him, you seem pretty innocent and kind.

"What is your name?"

"(Y/n)" you reply.

When you don't ask for his name, the prince frowns.

"Are you not going to ask for my name?" he demands, a bit annoyed.

"Oh sorry, what is your name?"

"Kidagakash Nedakh" he introduces with a proud tone.

"I will just call you Kida"

The prince smiles slightly, before letting you down on your feet gently.

"Did you run away from the prince you were supposed to marry?"

The question caused you to feel uneasy, nevertheless, you answer him.

"Well, another prince I know ruined the wedding, then I got kidnapped by a king, then I escaped, and ended up here"

The light-haired prince looks surprised at your words.

"You can depend on me to protect you" you chuckle at him in disbelief.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"By killing them-"


You turn around to see a familiar blond running in your direction.

It's Milo...

Wait for a second!

You remember something important!

The timeline of this universe was in the first world war era...

...this means that you have time traveled.

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