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"Wait for me!"

You shout as you chase happily after your friend, Pocahontas.

It has been three months since Pocahontas found you and took you to his tribe.

Ever since then, you became a part of the tribe and also learned their language to communicate with them.

Yet, you still don't remember anything about your past,  the only thing that remains on your skin is a healed stab scar.

Anyways, right now you are running after Pocahontas to go for a swim in the waterfalls.

"You are so slow, you could have just asked me to carry you, you know"

You roll your eyes playfully, finally catching up with him,  and stopping beside him at the edge.

"You are too weak to hold me" you tease him with a smile, pinching his arm.

"Are you sure that I'm weak"

Before you could nod your head,  he grabs you by the waist and jumps off.

A scream escapes your lips from the surprise while the Native American man laughs happily as both your bodies hit the water.

Pocahontas swims to the surface,  but his smile drops when he realizes that you blacked out.

"Wake up, wake up...Oh no,  please wake up" he panics as he gently slaps your face trying to wake you up.

But you are unmoving in his arms which made him think that he actually.

But a minute later, you spat water in his face, opening your eyes to meet his dark brown ones.

"I tricked you" you exclaim cheerfully.

Pocahontas stares at you for a moment in shock,  before a huge smile appears on his face.

Before he starts tickling you at your sides causing you to squeal.

Both of you are unaware that someone is hiding behind a tree and watching you and him fool around.

John Smith watches you carefully as if you're the only person on the planet, he would have pulled out his gun and shot if it weren't for you.

What is a pretty girl like you doing with a savage person like Pocahontas?

The blond refuses to believe that you are here of your own free will,  you must have been kidnapped.

He refuses to believe that you are part of this tribe.

John made it his duty to find a way and save you from this savage life.

You would have a much better life with him than Pocahontas anyway,  or at least that's what he believes.


Alex stares at a picture of you in his hand,  a frown is apparent on his face.

He is starting to lose hope in finding you, he cannot track you down,  even though it was easy for him.

The blond man blames it all on one person and that person is your mother.

If she didn't act like a bitch to drive him away from her and you,  then maybe you three would have been a happy family.

Alex sits on top of two dead bodies as he mourns his inability to find his only child,  you.

Those two corpses belong to his ex-wife and her new husband.

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