ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔬𝔫𝔢

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"Umm...didn't you say I was average, why are you now insisting on bathing in my blood" you point, hoping to get out of trouble.

"We will have to check out" He responds, signing to his guards to hand him the mirror, which they obey.

Once the hand mirror is within his grasp, he starts speaking to it.

"Mirror, Mirror, tell me, is she the one true beauty you spoke about" a face appears in the mirror, as Grimhild moves it in front of your face.

"She is the fairest of them all, indeed, her beauty is unmistakable"

You glare at the mirror, shoving it away from you.

"Are you trying to convince me that you believe some stupid mirror?" you say, mocking him.

"Oh, I wouldn't call me stupid, if I were you"

Your breath hitches as the man in the mirror transport out of it.

The 'mirror' stands in front of you completely naked as he smirks at your shocked expression.

The evil king rolls his eyes in annoyance, not liking how your attention shifted away from him.

"You are a pervert who speaks nonsense" you spat, trying to hide how flustered you are feeling right now.

"Your highness, I think I got something wrong in the prophecy"

The mirror announces as he turns around to face the king.

"Well, then, speak up and say the prophecy correctly" The evil king orders impatiently.

"Instead of bathing in her blood, you should have sex with her, it will give you immortality" you gasp at the mirror's words.

"No, no, NO, absolutely not!" you exclaim, but the two men ignore you completely.

"Is truly the only way to gain immortality?"

The golden-haired king inquires while glancing at you from the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, my king" the mirror answers, grinning.

"Considering, that it is immoral to have sex outside marriage-" you cut him off.

"And I'm pretty sure that it is also immoral to kill women and bath in their blood"

Grimhild smirks at you, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Well, thanks to you, I will give up those immoral habits, my dear"


"Come in, Come in, my child, we mustn't lurk in the doorways, it is rude, one might question your upbringing"

The evil sea warlock chuckles as he urges the young merman into his place.

Ariel swims in, and stares at Ursul, seeming unfazed by the wickedness.

"Now you are here because you have a thing for this human girl, not that I blame you, she is quite a catch" the Ceceliae purrs.

"The only solution for your problem is to become a human" Ariel's eyes widen.

"You can do that? You can help me mate with (Y/n)?"

Ursul swims over to Ariel and wraps his tentacles around his body.

"Of course, after all, I love helping poor unfortunate souls" Ariel smiles, unbothered by the tentacles.

"If I manage to bring her to the sea, can you turn her into a mermaid?" Ursul chuckles at the question.

"It would be truly amusing to see you try, my child."                                                                                                                                                                        

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