Eleven | Behave

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"Keep concentrating. Good, good."

This was my ninth magic lesson with Loki. I was now able to create a magical pocket, and I was working on keeping my ice contained within it. My magic pulsed around inside the ball, the ice never escaping its confinements.

Friday speaking made me lose concentration, making the ice fly everywhere.

"There is an attack upon the city," Friday said. "Sources suggest aliens."

I swore, standing up.

"Alright, Loki. Time to go on a mission," I said.

Loki looked at me before standing up.

"Friday, can you please give us all of the information?" I asked, hurrying towards my room and my suit.

"The sources say they are Chitauri, but Mr Stark supposedly killed them all with the missile," Friday said. "They are attacking civilians and causing havoc."

Holographic images appeared in front of me as the elevator went up. I swiped through them, my hands shaking slightly.

"Those are not Chitauri," Loki said. "They are Kaeriad. Cousin to the Chitauri, but not Chitauri. You can see that the Kaeriad's teeth are larger, and their skin has a greenish hue to it, rather than the Chitauri's grey."

"Did you get that, Friday?" I asked.

"Yes, Miss," Friday said. "It is being relayed to the rest of the team.

I reached my bedroom and quickly got changed into my suit. Loki and I rushed to the hangar, where we only had to wait for Sam, and then we were off in the jet.

"They are very similar to the Chitauri," Loki explained to the team. "The only major differences are their teeth and saliva. The teeth are larger, and the saliva contains venom. Do not let them bite you."

"My brother and I have fought the Kaeriad many times!" Thor boomed. "We shall be able to defeat them once again!"

I gulped and tried to keep my hands from shaking. All of this was too familiar. I prayed that the 'council' wouldn't decide to nuke New York again.

A cold hand grabbed mine softly and I looked over to see Loki.

"You will be alright, Love," Loki said. "You have fought many battles before. This one is no different."

I took a deep breath and nodded at him, squeezing his hand lightly. Loki squeezed my hand back in reassurance before Steve called him over to brief him quickly. I turned to look at my dad, who was glaring holes into the back of Loki's head.

I let the ice come to the surface, not visible, but there. The temperature in the jet lowered a bit, but we were landing, so it didn't matter.

The ramp opened and I rushed out, letting my ice spike through oncoming aliens. I threw my ice and cold at them, freezing and killing them.

The time blurred together. Had I been fighting for a minute, or an hour? My power was slowly draining, so I decided to use guns and iron blasters so that I could reserve my power if I needed it.

"Where are they even coming from?" Clint asked through the comms. "Is there some sort of portal?"

I sent a spear of ice through one of the aliens. Another knocked me to the ground, and I rolled out of the way as it stabbed at my head with its spear. I looked up, ready to shoot ice at it, when the ice came from a different direction. It shot through the monster's heart, and it fell to the ground beside me. I looked over to see Loki. He gave me a small nod and returned back to the battle.

"Guys, I have a visual of the portal," my dad said. "It's in of one of the buildings. Top floor."

"Okay, but which building?" Bucky asked.

There was an explosion and five aliens jumped out a window of the building to my right.

"That one," my dad said.

"Fun, I'll go in," I said.

"Not without backup," my dad said. "Nat?"

"I'm a bit busy!" Nat yelled.


Wanda just screeched angrily into the comms.

"I'll take that as a no," I said. "Loki, c'mon."

Loki stepped forwards when my dad spoke again.


"We can go in, it'll be fine," I said.

I jerked my head to the building, and Loki and I entered. We had to fight our way up a few levels, until we reached the portal. It was a big, purple glow-y thing, and it pulsed every few seconds. It was loud, like the sound of a vacuum.

An alien came out, and Loki threw a dagger at its head.

"How do we close the portal?" I yelled.

Loki inspected it for a few seconds.

"We must freeze it!" he yelled back. "Can you do that?"

I nodded and extended my hands towards the portal. Ice blasted from them, freezing the outsides of the portal. Loki did the same, and I breathed heavily. I'd used a lot of power in the battle, and I was draining very quickly. I began to feel the cold as the ice slowly webbed over the portal.

After a few seconds, or it could have been hours, the portal closed, now reduced to a circular hunk of ice. I dropped to my knees, shivering.

Loki was immediately at my side, my face in his hands.

"Y/n, Love?" he asked frantically. "Are you alright?"

"C-cold," I shivered, my teeth clacking.

Loki took one of my hands in his and examined my fingers. The tips were frozen blue. Loki looked to my lips and frowned.

"Darling, you should have let me do that on my own," he growled. "You used too much power."

"I'll b-be f-fine," I said, my teeth still chattering.

"Are you two okay in there?" Steve asked through the comms.

I felt my eyelids droop as exhaustion set in.

"Y/n used a lot of power," Loki said, sweeping me into his arms. "She needs medical attention."

The last thing I remembered was being handed over to my dad before my vision faded.

The Ice Began To Melt | Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now