Three | Mission

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The familiar sound of my door opening awoke me from my sleep. I had been dreaming of a man with raven hair, the same man I always dreamed of. His face was always hidden, and he was always just out of reach. He always seemed so familiar to me in the dreamscape, but when I awoke I could never remember who he was. It frustrated me. A lot.

"Good morning, soldier," the commander greeted me. "You have a new mission."

I rose from my bed and followed the commander down the familiar halls of the Hydra base that had been my home for almost a year now. I couldn't remember anything before then, before Hydra had rescued me from the snow.

We reached a familiar room, a room where I received my missions. There was a metal table with a folder in the middle, as well as three metal chairs, two on one side, and one on the other. Another commander was already in the room, and so I sat down in my usual seat, the commander who'd arrived with me sitting as well, before sliding the folder over to me. I opened it as he began to speak.

"This is your biggest mission yet," the commander said. "Take down the Avengers."

The Avengers were a threat to Hydra, I knew. They were constantly raiding our bases and disrupting plans. Hydra had only had six Winter Soldiers, and one of them had broken away to join the Avengers while the rest had been killed, so they'd scrapped that plan. Plan B had been to use Widows, but Dreykov and his network had been taken down by none other than Natasha Romanoff, another Avenger.

So now they were going to use me. I was their secret weapon. The Avengers had no idea that I existed – at least, that's what I'd been told.

I flipped through the folder. All of the Avengers looked familiar as they were famous, and pretty much everyone knew what they looked like. But I paused on a picture of the raven haired god, Loki.

He was familiar in a different way. In a way that made me think of my ring which rested on a chain over my heart, think of the time before I'd been rescued.

I didn't like to think of the before. It caused me a lot of headaches and frustration, because I could never remember anything. There were only flashes that disappeared before I could really see them.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as the two commanders exchanged worried looks, and I realised I'd been staring at the picture for much longer than necessary. I flipped away casually, looking through the photos of the other Avengers.

Captain America. Black Widow. Hawkeye. Thor. The Scarlet Witch, The Vision, The Falcon, Spiderman.

I paused on the picture of Iron Man. Tony Stark, probably the richest man in the world. He wore sunglasses, but I could somehow picture his brown eyes beneath, the eyes like hot chocolate in a wood cabin during winter. The familiar, comforting energy of them.

Again, this man reminded me of the before. Different to the raven-haired god, but still the same time. A time before the raven-haired god, perhaps.

"I accept this mission," I said, looking up.

The two commanders looked relieved and they smiled at me, although the smiles didn't reach their eyes. They never did.

"Excellent," The one on the left said. "You leave–"

A loud bang and a rumble interrupted the commander. The two looked around wildly, searching for the source of the sound, and I stood up as alarms began to blare, ice coating my fingers.

"Well," the commander scowled, "it seems like you'll be completing your mission sooner rather than later."

here u go :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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