04 | Mr.Innocent

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Anna's POV:

As soon as we entered, I saw Dad standing there, undoubtedly waiting for me. So, without wasting another second, I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, continuously expressing how much he missed me. Indeed, I love him a lot too. I always wanted to take him with me to Malaysia, but I can't because of my work.

After some time, I finally broke the hug and gave him a small smile because obviously, I cannot keep a stern face in front of him. Dad was talking to Aria, and my eyes were just roaming around the Mansion when a similar figure caught my eyes. Wait, he... is... the... same... guy I saw a few minutes back, meaning I wasn't daydreaming. And as Aria said, there's not any person present on this earth who can make Anna Kane smile, but there he is.. I think now I found one, smirking internally. But what is he doing here? I guess Dad knows him..

Anna: Dad, who's he?

I asked, pointing towards that guy.

Ad: Oh, them, Abhi/Sid, come here!

He said to both guys.

Oh, they look so similar, but that guy looks more innocent and younger than the other. And as Dad said their names, I guess that Mr. innocent's name must be Sid because it suits him. I thought all this while continuously staring at him coming near me. When he finally came near us, Dad introduced them.

Ad: He is Abhishek Ahuja, and he is Siddharth Ahuja, his younger brother. For the world, I am their boss, but in reality, they both are very close people to me after you.

He said, introducing them. See, I knew it, his name is Sid. I saw Aria doing a handshake with Abhi and introducing herself, so I also did the same.

Anna: Hi, Anna Kane!

I said, doing a handshake with him and introducing myself, but he looked confused. Why?

Abhi: Anna..Kane, how?

He asked me, confused. But just to change the topic quickly, ignoring his question, I extended my hand towards Mr. innocent, introducing myself to him.

Anna: Hi!

I said. But instead of shaking hands with me, he joined his hands together and said 'hello' with a cute smile on his face. Aww, he is so innocent. Thinking this again, a bright smile appeared on my face, and Aria again gave me a shocked expression, but it quickly converted into a smirk, now she knows the reason behind my real smile.

Ad: Come, girls, I'll show you to your rooms. You both must be tired!

Nah, Dad, I want to stay here, only near this Mr. innocent. I want to know him. I don't know why, but it feels like a different kind of happiness around him, which I haven't felt in so many years. So, something struck my mind to spend a little time with him, and I said to Dad.

Anna: Um.. No, Dad, we came in our private jet, so we are not tired. In fact, I want to explore the mansion. It's looking beautiful.

Ad: Oh, then come, I will show you.

I eyed Aria, and she understood what I'm trying to say.

Ari: Dad, um, I'm feeling hungry. Can you please feed me? It's been such a long time.

Ad: Yes, Beta Anna, you also come. I'll feed you both, and we will explore the mansion later.

Anna: No, Dad, I'm full. Let's do one thing, you feed Ari. Till that time, Siddharth will help me explore the mansion.

Sid: Wha-?

He said with a shocked and surprised expression, and then looked towards his elder brother and said.

Sid(shyly): Dada, how can I?

Abhi: Anna come, I will show you the mansion.

Anna: Um, but..

Aria: But, Dada... um, can I call you that?

Abhi(smiling): Of course, you both can call me Dada!

Aria: Thanks, Dada! But I want to discuss something about business with you, so you come with me, and Anna, you explore the mansion with Siddharth.

She said, giving me a teasing smile. At last, without letting anyone speak another word, she dragged Dad and Dada with her, and I quickly went near Sid. He was looking somewhere else, so I tapped his shoulder, and he looked at me and gave me a small smile, which felt like a nervous one more. Awh, he is so cute!

Anna: Let's go..

He just nodded and started walking, and I followed him. Wow, for the first time in my life, I was walking behind someone, anyways...!



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Words: 778


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