25 | Be ready babyboy

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Anna watched as Sid's figure disappeared into the woods, her eyes filled with a whirlwind of emotions.


In her room, the aftermath of the chaos in the cave weighed heavily on Anna's mind. She was seething with anger, not at Sid, but at herself for the recklessness that led to him discovering her true identity. Blaming her fate, she found solace in her rage until Aria and Jaz entered her room.

Approaching her with concern, Jaz enveloped Anna in a comforting hug, gently soothing her anger. Initially resistant, Anna relented, allowing herself to be embraced by Jaz's maternal care. Jan had always been a source of comfort for Anna, grounding her in moments of turmoil.

After her anger subsided slightly, Jan broke the hug and addressed Anna's feelings. "I know how you're feeling right now, but it's not Sid's fault. He's just a normal guy, and his reaction was understandable," she reassured.

Anna nodded in agreement. "I'm not angry at him either. I'm just scared... scared of losing him. Everyone I've ever loved has left me in the end," she admitted, her voice trailing off.

"Ak, Anna.." Aria interjected, placing a hand on Anna's shoulder, but Aria remained silent, unable to find the words to express her thoughts.

Squeezing Anna's hands gently, Aria leaned in closer. "You're Ak, the Mafia Queen! Who always gets what she wants. So what happened this time? You want Sid, so go get him like you always do. You deserve happiness, and if he's the one who can give it to you.. then go, fight for what you deserve," Ari urged, her gaze unwavering.

Ak's lips curved into a smirk as a devious idea formed in her mind. "Be ready, my baby boy.. I'm coming to get you," she declared, her intentions clear. Aria and Jaz exchanged knowing smirks, understanding Ak's resolve.



In this moment of uncertainty, what will Ak do next with Sid?

Should there be some sweet or spicy romance, or would you prefer a simpler ending? Let me know, and I'll adjust accordingly!

vote and comment your reviews:)

Words: 356


Love y'all <3

your author 
— ak.


𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now