06 | First Kiss

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Anna moved closer to his lips and..

Karvaun kya?

(should I do it?)

Anna moved closer to his lips, her heart racing with anticipation. With closed eyes, she pressed her lips against his, and Sid's eyes went wide with shock as he froze in place. Anna kissed him passionately, lost in the moment, while Sid remained still, processing what was happening.

After what felt like an eternity, Anna snapped back to reality, realizing the gravity of her actions. Breaking the kiss, she looked at Sid, who was still in a daze.

"Oh, shit," Anna murmured under her breath as she got up from him.

Anna's POV:

I don't know what came over me when I gazed into his caramel eyes. I lost myself in them, drawn to their innocence and magic. My gaze traveled down to his lips, and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him. And when I did, it was like heaven. This wasn't my first kiss, but it felt like the best. But then reality hit me, and I quickly pulled away, realizing what I have done. He must be shocked beyond belief. As I stood up, I missed his lips already. He was just staring at me, wide-eyed and shocked.

Anna: Sid..

Sid: No response.

Anna: Siddharth...

Sid: Still no response.


Anna's shout brought him back to reality, and he stood up, blushing furiously, avoiding eye contact.

Anna: Um, Sid..

Sid(blushing): "Y-yes?"

Anna: Um... well...

Anna bit her lip, searching for an appropriate explanation

Before Anna could finish, a housekeeper interrupted, announcing that Sid was needed elsewhere. Sid dashed off, and Anna followed suit, catching up to him where everyone was waiting.

Abhi: Sid, why are your cheeks so red? Did you apply something?

Sid's eyes widened, cheeks reddening further, as he stammered out an excuse about Bhabhi waiting for them. Aria shot Anna a suspicious look, and before anything more could be said, she whisked Anna away to their room.

Sid's POV:

The events of the day were overwhelming. Anna kissed me, stealing my first kiss. Despite the shock, I couldn't regret it entirely. There was something special about her, a connection I'd never felt before. I had never talked to a girl like this. She was different, and I couldn't shake the feeling. As I went to bed, thoughts of her consumed my mind.



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Words: 420


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𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now