27 | Malaysia

293 42 10

"I won't go anywhere with a murderer like you." His words shocked everyone present, and I knew I had to act quickly.

Ak's POV:

He said something he shouldn't have, and now he had to face the consequences. I signaled Ava, and within seconds, his house was surrounded by my men. Everyone, except for one, was stunned and scared. "You have only seen my sweet side until now, but it's enough. Now you will see the real me," I declared, sending shivers down Sid's spine as he tried to act smart. Others were still in shock, perhaps wondering if it was a nightmare.

"Now, if you try to refuse me even once—" I began, stopping in middle signaling my men who pointed guns at his family members, and Sid panicked. "Stop! Please, stop. I-I will come with you. Please don't do anything to them," he pleaded, tears streaming down his face, and I smirked.

I approached Sid, taking his hand, and turned to Jaz and Ava, saying, "Now, also take his family members along with us." Sid interrupted, "Why them? I'm coming with you, right? You can do whatever you want with me, but please don't harm them." I replied coldly, "I'm taking them with us because they know about my truth now, and I can't risk my identity. Until you act like a good boy and follow all my instructions, they won't be any trouble." i said the last line patting his cheeks while Sid jerked away, not liking my touch anymore.

With that settled, we all boarded my private jet and departed for Malaysia. As we flew, I discussed something important with Ava, while Sid looked stressed and irritated. I approached him, bending and gently pushing the hairs on face aside, I asked, "What happened, my baby boy? Why so stressed?" He angrily jerked my hands away, saying, "You know you're the reason for all my stress. What do you even want from me?"

I caged him between my arms, stating firmly, "I WANT YOU, and if I want something, I'll get it anyhow. No one can stop me." 

🔞 Slightly mature content ahead (read at your own risk)

His eyes widened in fear, but he gathered the courage to oppose, only to be silenced when my lips met his in a deep kiss. He didn't respond, but I didn't care. I sat on his lap, my legs on either side of his, and he tried to push me away. Instead of leaving him, I leaned in closer, pressing the entirety of my body against his, kissing him deeply. I bit his lower lip, and he gasped, allowing my tongue to explore his mouth. A moan escaped from his lips, and I felt my inner thighs getting slick with the need to have him inside me already, but not so soon.

mature content end.

After a few minutes, I released him, breathing heavily. He remained silent for the rest of the journey. Soon, we landed in Malaysia.



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Words: 501


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𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now