13 | Sidnna

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Sid(shouted): You!

Abhi: Sid, who is it..

He too got up and saw..

Maro maro, guess maro;)

(Guess, guess!?)

Abhi: Hey.. Anna, you're here! Sid, is this the way to greet a guest by shouting? Anna, come inside. Why are you still standing at the door?

Anna(politely): Thanks, Dada.

Abhi walked in front, and Sid whispered to Anna..

Sid(whispering): What are you doing here?

Anna(whispering): You refused to come with me, so now you just wait and see

She winks at him as his eyes widen in surprise.

Abhi: Hey, what are both of you still doing there? Come here!

They both walked to the dining area, where everyone was sitting. Abhi introduced her to everyone.

Abhi: So, Anna, this is Vaish..

Vaish(interrupting): Hi, I'm Vaish. Abhi's lovely wife, and Sid and Rii's sister-in-law, but you can call me Dii!

Abhi rolled his eyes, while Anna chuckled at her cuteness.

Abhi: Anna, meet him, he's Ri..

Rii(interrupting): Hi, I'm Rishabh Ahuja. Sid and Abhi's little brother. You can call me Rii!

Abhi: Yes, everyone introduce yourselves. Otherwise, I'll do it myself

Said Abhi with a grumpy face.

Saying this, he sat back at the table, and Vaish said..

Vaish(smiling): Anna, you are even prettier than Sid told-

Sid: Dii!

Sid tried to stop her from embarrassing himself. Anna smirked at him while his face turned bright red.

Vaish: Come Anna, we were just about to start our dinner. Come, sit!

Anna: No, Dii, I..

Abhi: Oh, come on, Avi, you're at our home for the first time. No arguments, come, sit.

Anna: Okay.. Sid, where are you sitting?

As she asked Sid, he quickly sat in his chair next to Abhi. Only one seat remained, which was on the other side of Abhi, so she sat there.

Anna's POV:

Everyone here seems sweet and kind, as per the info. I already like his family.

I sat on the chair beside Dada, and that's when I noticed another girl sitting opposite me. She wasn't in the information I received, and she didn't seem as innocent as the others. Let me ask Dada...

Anna: Dada, who is she?

I asked looking towards Kaiya

Abhi: Oh, she is..

Anna(interjecting): Hi, I'm Kaiya!

She said, extending her hand towards me, and we shared a handshake. But as we did, that felt a different kind of touch. They exchanged fake smiles, and everyone began their lunch.

Kaiya, I feel like I have heard this name before.. when I shook hands with her, her touch felt different, and I got bad vibes from her. But for now, I shrugged it off because I have to focus on my Sid right now. He refused to come with me, so now I'll directly convince his Dii to send him with me. Our dinner was about to finish, so i said..

Anna: Vaish Dii, you really cook so well, i haven't had homemade food from a long time

Vaish: Aw, thank you Anna, you should come here often until you are in India

Anna: Sure, Dii! Um.. if you don't mind, can I take Sid with me after dinner? You know, just for a night walk, if you don't mind?

Sid choked on his food. Abhi was about to give him water, but before that, Anna quickly got up from her seat, made him drink water, and rubbed his back gently. Everyone noticed the care she had for Sid, and they gave them looks of awe.

Sid returned to normal when Vaish said..

Vaish(smiling): Yes, I don't mind. You can take him with you, but be careful, okay?

Anna: Oh, thank you, Dii! Come, Sid..

She made him stand up by his arm and was about to drag him, but Sid said..

Sid: Hey, wait..

Anna(interrupting): What? Now you're going to refuse your Dii, too?

Sid: No, I never refuse Dii. I was just saying, let me at least change first..

That's when i noticed he was in his night suit, aw he still looked so adorable

Anna: No need, you look handsome in everything. Let's go!

Saying this, she dragged him outside, and everyone admired their cuteness. Vaish commented..

Vaish(smiling): They both look so cute together, right?

Abhi(smiling): Hmm, true. After such a long time, someone other than us is taking such good care of Sid.

Rii: Yes, they're made for each other, SIDNNA!

Abhinavi: Sidnna?

Rii(grinning): Yup, Sid plus Anna's 'nna' is Sidnna!

Everyone laughed and finished their lunch, then went back to their rooms.

At Sidnna's side..



Excited for next chappy!?

I will not be uploading chapter's till my exams get finished...so don't ask me to post it soon..!

Words: 799


Love y'all <3

your author


𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now