15 | Sorry

649 83 20

Their lips moved in perfect harmony, kissing as if time stood still, as if their entire existence revolved around that moment. Suddenly, Anna's phone rang, shattering their beautiful reverie. They reluctantly broke the kiss and moved away from each other, Sid blushing furiously, his gaze darting everywhere but towards Anna. Meanwhile, Anna cursed under her breath at the interruption, her frustration evident.


As she glanced at the caller ID, her expression shifted. It was Ari. She answered the call, moving a little farther away from Sid.

On the call:

Anna: Ari..

Aria(interrupting): Where are you..!?

Anna: I.. umm.. well..

Aria(firmly): I know you're with Sid..

Anna: Look, then why did you call me.. just to..

Aria(sharply): Did you even apologize to him yet..?

Anna: Um.. no.. I forgot..

Aria(raising her voice): Damn it, when are you going to apologize to him..?

Anna(whispering angrily): Stop shouting, you idiot.. I came here with Sid to apologize, and we were having a good time when your call interrupted us.. Now, leave me alone, bye..

With that, she ended the call before Aria could say anything more and turned to see Sid standing by the side of the lake, gazing at the stars. Anna smiled and approached him, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. He glanced at her briefly before looking away, avoiding eye contact. Without hesitation, Anna began to speak.

Anna: Sorry, Siddharth.. I know I made a mistake, a big one. I shouldn't have kissed you that day, and I'm truly sorry. I can't imagine how you must have felt..

She continued apologizing while Sid listened, lost in her words until she snapped her fingers in front of him, bringing him back to reality.

Sid(blushing): It's.. it's okay.. I understand. It wasn't entirely your fault.. it was an accident.

Anna(smiling): You're so understanding. You know, I've never apologized to anyone before.. You're the first.

Sid(surprised): Really? You've never apologized to anyone?

Anna: Never.

She shook her head, and Sid's expression softened.

Sid: So, that's why you brought me here? Just to apologize?

Anna: Yes.. I wanted to make things right..

Sid(interrupting): It wasn't your fault, Anni.. I mean Anna.

Anna(chuckled): No problem, can call me Anni.. I like it.

Sid(grinning): Okay!

Anna(smiling): So, friends?

She said, extending her hand

Sid: Yes, friends...

He said, shaking hands with her

They smiled at each other warmly, enjoying the newfound connection. After a moment, they both got on the bike and rode off. Anna dropped Sid at his place before heading back to her father's mansion.

As they rode along, something unexpected happened..



I love to give cliffhangers.. hehe!

Hope you liked the Chapter

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Words: 466


Love y'all <3

your author 


𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now