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"So, what was Sid saying?" Jaz asked suddenly, bringing Anna back to reality. Anna replied saying "No.." But, before she could complete her sentence, Aria cut in, "Wait, then who were you speaking to while smiling like a maniac? Were you just pretending not to smile in front of us all these years? Anna, I hate you!" she whined like a child, prompting Anna to make her most common irritated face. "Can't you let me complete my sentences even once in my life?" Anna retorted with irritation, knowing Aria's tendency to interrupt.

"Ugh, you guys.. Aria, please just shut up for a sec," said Jaz, stepping in to prevent a potential argument. Obeying her, Aria placed a finger on her lips to silence herself, allowing Anna to continue.

"So, I was saying that it wasn't Sid on the call, but it was Vaishnavi, his bhabhi. She told me that they are going out of town, and Sid is alone today, so she wanted me to accompany him. That's why I was smiling!" Anna explained, glaring at Aria, who made an understanding 'O' face, realizing that only Sid could make her smile, directly or indirectly.

"Oh, Vaishnavi ships you two, I see," remarked Jaz, to which Anna smirked and replied, "Jaz, now I gotta go accompany Sid, so you have to handle everything here."

"Don't worry, Ak. Me and Jaz will handle everything. You just enjoy your time with Sid. I'll share all the details with Jaz, and most probably, we won't call you there," assured Aria.

"What do you mean, 'most probably'? Bro, you just don't worry... we can handle everything!" Jaz chimed in confidently.

Anna genuinely smiled and hugged them. They had been with her for 10 years, never complaining, always there to support and trust her at every stage of her life.




Ak's hands were stained with blood — not her own, but that of the person teetering on death's door. As she aimed the gun at him, poised to pull the trigger, Sid materialized out of thin air, sending shockwaves through everyone present!


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Words: 361


Love y'all <3

your author 
— ak.


𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now