14 | Bike ride

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Anna dragged Sid until her bike... that's when Sid said...

Sid: At least tell me where are we going?

Anna(whispering): I also don't know..

Sid(confused): What..!?

Anna: Um.. nothing, come sit..

She said while sitting on the bike.

Sid came near the bike.. and sat there but maintaining as much distance as he can.. But Anna didn't like that at all..

Anna's POV: 

Sid sat on the bike but at a little distance.. I was expecting something else, but Anna Kane gets whatever she wants.. now I think I should use that trick on my baby boy.. i said to myself smirking internally internally

I started the bike.. but applied the brakes just the next second.. due to the sudden action, Sid jerked off... And to balance himself, he held me from my waist tightly... Oh god, that's what I wanted.. I'm feeling thousands of butterflies fluttering in my stomach right now.. It just feels like heaven, fuck..

After a few more seconds... I guess he realized his position and was about to take his hands back which were holding my waist.. but I held his hand, not letting them move from their right place, and smirked looking at him through the mirror, he was blushing red out of shyness, ugh this cuteness!

Sid's POV: 

I sat on her bike maintaining a little distance... but as she started the bike the next second, she stopped it, and due to the sudden action, I lost my balance and wasn't able to think of anything, so I held her waist tightly, helping me from not falling and kissing the ground.. After a minute, I realized what I did, so I was about to take my hand back when she held my hand, not letting me remove my hand from her waist, and saw her smirking through the mirror looking at me.. So I rested my head on her back, still sitting in the same position just to hide my blushing face.. She chuckled looking at me and started the bike.. I have never been this close to any girl.. but from the time I met her and everything happening between us isn't feeling awkward.. it all felt so pleasant, don't know why..

With all these thoughts, soon they both reached their destination. It was a picturesque lakeside spot outside the city, where the moonlight danced on the water's surface, creating mesmerizing ripples that reflected the shimmering night sky filled with countless stars. It was a scene of unparalleled beauty, captivating in its magnificence.

Sid was amused to see the mesmerizing view in front of him..

Sid: Wow... it's just so beautiful.

He said, staring at the beautiful starry sky in front of him.. and Anna hmmed looking at him... they were at the end of the city.. no traffic, no crowd.. just pure bliss got from the beautiful stars.. and each other's presence giving them a complete peaceful unknown feeling.. Sid was just lost in the astonishing sky.. whereas Anna was just lost in Sid..

When Sid felt Anna's eyes on him, he looked back and got lost in her hazel gaze, while she found herself mesmerized by his caramel eyes. Drawn closer by an invisible force, they leaned in until their lips were just about to meet, lost in the moment of anticipation.. when..

Anna closed the distance between them and tenderly pressed her lips against his. This time, Sid didn't hesitate, he responded eagerly, swept away by the intensity of the moment, his senses overwhelmed. Anna gently cupped his face, deepening the kiss as they lost themselves in each other. Their lips moved together in perfect harmony, expressing a love that was new and yet so profound. In that fleeting moment, they kissed as if there were no tomorrow, as if their entire existence hinged on the embrace of their lips...



Updating after long ryt.. So a double update on the way.. Excited!?

Show how much u missed me lovelies..!!

Words: 672


Love y'all <3

your author 


𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now