22 | Confession

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"I Love You, Siddharth"

she said, and my heart stopped beating, my eyes widened in shock. I just froze on my spot, not knowing how to react at that moment.


There was complete silence in the air as we shared a deep yet intense eye-lock. She was directly looking into my eyes, maybe trying to figure out something, and I couldn't even blink, stunned by the sudden confession.

But our moment was interrupted by her phone ringing. She answered the call with a worried or angry tone, cutting our conversation short. As she hung up, she looked at me, saying, "Siddharth, I have urgent work to do. We will talk about this later."

With that, she hurriedly left, giving me a quick hug before disappearing, leaving me in complete confusion. The abrupt departure only heightened my concern for her. Without wasting another minute, I jumped into my car and rushed to find her. It had only been five minutes since she left, so where could she have gone in such a short time?

Lost in my thoughts, I spotted her black car, identifiable by a unique symbol on its boot. She stopped behind a tree in a forested area, and I parked my car at a distance. She got out, wearing a black mask, which struck me as odd. She disappeared into the forest, and I waited for a few minutes before following, trying to remain unnoticed.

Going further inside the forest, I reached near a large tunnel or cave. "What is she doing here?" I wondered silently as I ventured further, only to witness something I never wanted to see.



Sid is about to uncover something that Anna never wished him to know!

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words: 291


 Love y'all <3

your author 
— ak.


𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now