07 | Angry Aria

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A we entered one of the empty rooms, Aria released my hand and looked at me with a frown, prompting me to open my mouth to explain..

Anna: Ari...

Aria: Keep quiet and tell me, was Sid the reason behind your smile?

Anna: First, decide if you want me to speak or stay quiet.

Aria: Are you even going to stay quiet if I asked you to?

Anna said no with a stern look on her face

Aria: Then, with all due respect, Ms. Mafia Queen, please tell me, is Sid really the reason behind this beautiful smile on your stern face?

Aria said dramatically, while I shot her a look that said she better stfu. Nevertheless, I still answered her, saying yes.

Aria(curiously): What did he do to you that could make Anna Kane smile? I've tried so many times, but your smile was never as bright as it was today.

Anna: I don't know! There was something magical in his laugh, his vibe was making me feel really good.

Aria: Wow, man! Whatever it may be, I swear you look the prettiest with that smile.

Anna: Hmm.

Aria: I will go now, bye... hey, wait! What did you do with Siddharth?

Anna: What?

I said, trying to act innocent, which I definitely can't.

Aria: Hey, don't try to act innocent, because you definitely aren't. First, tell me the truth, why the heck was Sid blushing?

Anna: Um, nothing.

Aria: Stop lying and tell me, otherwise... um... otherwise, I won't talk to you.

Anna(simply stated): Ok, don't!

Aria(whining): Hey... please tell me, yaar!

Anna: Ok, fine! I kissed him.

Aria: What... 

As I said, I knew she would shout, so I closed her mouth with my hand

Anna(angrily): Shut up! Don't shout, or Dad will also hear you, dumbass!

Aria: See, back to your AK mode. In front of Sid, you were smiling non-stop, and now you're angry like always!

She stated while removing my hand from her mouth, and I rolled my eyes

Aria: Anna, I know it's not a new thing for you, but Sid looks really innocent, and I guess you should say sorry for your mistake!

Anna: You know I never said sorry to anyone till date, and it was not my mistake that..

I told her everything that happened on the terrace in detail.

Aria: The heck! Dude, he is way too innocent for people like us. He must be feeling bad. Anna, I know you never said sorry to anyone, but you are going to say sorry to him, anyhow...

Anna: But...

Aria(angrily): No ifs, no buts. You are going to say sorry to him, end of decision!

With that, she stormed out of the room. Woo, she's upset with me. Okay, I understand, it was my mistake. I should have controlled myself. I was on the verge of confessing to Aria that I was also contemplating apologizing to him, but she wasn't ready to listen. With all these thoughts swirling in my mind, I drifted off to sleep, knowing I had a lot to tackle the next day.




Voice: "Hands up, AK!"

In a swift move, Anna snatched the gun from the person's hand and pointed it back, only to be shocked and surprised when she saw who it was..


Who do you think is that person?

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Words: 582


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𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now