05 | His captivating presence

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Anna's Pov:

It had been some time since we began exploring the mansion. Sid was showing me around, and I found myself completely captivated by his presence. Despite my attempts to start a conversation, Sid remained shy, only responding to my questions. Nonetheless, I managed to glean some information about him. He's an orphan, and for the past decade, his Dada has been his sole caretaker. He holds deep affection for his Dada, Bhabhi, and younger brother. Sid mentioned that I'm the first girl, aside from his sister and Bhabhi, with whom he's conversed so openly. Learning this filled me with unexpected happiness.

We made our way to the terrace, the final destination on our tour. Sid slid open the glass door, revealing a picturesque view. Yet, the sight beside me was even more captivating. As we strolled along the terrace, I addressed him..

Anna: Hey, Sid

Sid(shyly): Hmm?

Anna(teasingly): You know, you're the hottest guy I've ever seen

Sid(flushed): What..

He looked at me with wide eyes, clearly taken aback. We continued our conversation while walking, but Sid's leg accidentally collided with the Jacuzzi, causing him to stumble. His leg grazed mine, but I managed to keep my balance. As he began to fall, he instinctively reached out for my hand...

The next moment, Sid found himself on the couch, with me atop him. While I was lost in thought, Sid's eyes remained closed from the sudden movement. After a few moments, Sid opened his eyes to find me gazing at him intently. Our eyes met, and we were both consumed by the moment, oblivious to everything else. As our intense gaze lingered, I found myself trailing my gaze from his eyes to his nose, then to his lips. Unable to resist any longer, I leaned in closer, and...



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Words: 325


Love y'all <3

your author 


𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬: the saga of two souls | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now