Jungle Fever

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(Short chapter.)

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf talking on the radio.

Kaz:*Radio.* "The direction Amanda's Sandinistas were going corresponds to the location of the next outpost, a supply depot. We should be able to make contact with her there."

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf hiding behind a building near the boathouse. Enemy soldiers run into the area.

Kaz:*Radio* "Careful. They've got reinforcements coming."

Snake looks to Wolf and motions for her to go left. She nods. She pulls out her Mk 22. She moves behind some boxes and waits for the enemies to get close. She smells one guys walking towards her and she takes a deep breath and waits. She can hear his footsteps and then he walks past her. She grabs him and chokes him out. She hears a thud on the other side of the boxes. 

Soldier:"What was that!" *She hears someone running up to the boxes and when he gets close she peeks out and shoots him in the head.*

There is another unconscious solder next to the boxes. She takes out another guy and looks around to see everyone knocked out. Her and Snake move to the next area.

El Cenagal: Jungle

They come across two guys next to a truck. Snake and Wolf shoot them with their Mk 22's knocking them out. They Fulton extract them. They move on.

El Cenagal: Ravine

Kaz:*Radio* "Amanda went across that rope bridge. Hurry."

Wolf shoots a soldier and fulton extracts him. 

Kaz:*Radio* "Fulton Recovery subject confirmed onboard helicopter."

They get to the bridge and a lone soldier is walking on it. Snake takes him out and fulton extracts him. Then they keep moving onto the next area.

El Cenagal: Swamp

There is a soldier standing on the shore looking out to the river and Wolf just shoots him. Snake takes out another down the way. They keep walking and come across another soldier and snake shoots him and fulton extracts him. They keep walking to the next area.

Bananal Fruta de Oro: Sorting Shed

Kaz:*Radio* "Careful, now. They might be holding FSLN soldiers prisoner."

Wolf shoots a guard partoling. Snake shoots one father up near the building. They fulton extract them. They find a prisoner and fulton him. They go into the sorting shed and find another prisoner of extract him. They take out all the guards and head towards their target. They stop behind a cargo container and they look towards the base to see a few guards and an APC. The guards are wearing armor. The APC stops and more soldiers get out. Then Drives forward.

Kaz:*Radio*"Looks like there's no way around 'em. You two up for this." *Wolf smirks and lights a cigar and Readys her rifle.* 

To be continued in the next chapter. 

Kaz:*Radio*"Listen Boss, Major. We all know you two are the reason MSF's grown so much. But it's time we started putting more thought into provisions."

Snake:*Radio* "Good point. A place this big needs a good stockpile on hand."

Kaz:*Radio*"The Japanese say, 'You can't fight on an empty stomach.' Something we learned in World War II."

Wolf*Radio*"Obviously. Maintaining a steady supply of provisions is one of the basic principles of logistics."

Kaz:*Radio* "So I went ahead and set up a Mess Hall Team. The team members' numbers and abilities will affect the amount of grub to go around. Without enough food, morale will drop. They get hungry enough, and we could start losing people. Anyway, I need you two to assign guys to the Mess Hall Team."

Snake/Wolf:*Radio* "Copy that."



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