Peace Walker Battle 3

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Miller:*Com*"Snake! Wolf! You two have to stop that data from being sent!"

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf looking to the Peace Walker.

Peace Walker:"MIRV re-entry vehicles detected 5200, 5300... Entering Terminal phase."

Snake and Wolf aim their guns at Peace Walker.

Miller:*Com* "Snake! Wolf! You two have to stop that data from being sent!"

Wolf and Snake start shooting the Peace Walker with rockets, Grenades and Bullets. After a while of shooting the Peace Walker it tries to stand up.

Peace Walker:"Estimated time to impact. 200 seconds.195 seconds. 190 seconds." *It falls back to the ground.* "185 seconds, 180 seconds, 175 seconds, 170 seconds, 165 seconds," *The Boss AI pod lights start to flicker.* "160 seconds, 155 seconds, 150 seconds," *The Boss AI pod starts to move around.* "145 seconds..." *Peace Walker starts to move and is shakily stands up.* 

A song starts to play from Peace Walker. Butterflies fly around The Boss AI pod.


Strangelove:"That voice..."

The lights on the pod turn gold and Peace Walker starts to move towards the water.


Snake:"Boss... Is that you...?"

Peace Walker steps into the water.

Strangelove:"A ghost in the machine...?"

Peace Walker is fully in the water and it keeps walking deeper and deeper.

Strangelove:"She's drowning herself to stop the transmission?"

Wolf:*Smiling as a few tears fall down her face.* "Even as a ghost she's still amazing."

Huey:*Com* "It's functional compensation. When the human brain is damaged, sometimes it recovers over time. Other parts of the brain take over the functions of the damaged parts. Mammal and Reptile were patterned after different parts of the human brain. They were going to make another called canine but it was scrapped."

Huey:*Com*"When those parts were assembled together into one, they must've become capable of functional compensation..."

Strangelove:"Her memories remained with her... Is this her answer? This song?"

Huey:*Com* "It's clearly not thinking rationally... It's not using its head...It's using its HEART.

Peace Walker is almost fully submerged under water. 

Strangelove:"This is the fate she chose her herself."

Miller:*Com* "The Boss' innocence has been proven...Do you hear it, SNAKE? WOLF? Do you hear The Boss' song?"

Strangelove:"You saw it, didn't you? When you went to space...That there's beauty outside of the battle. At last I understand, in the end... It was you who put down your gun...And chose instead to sing...They can ALL hear you... I know they can...And your will shall surely live on. That's what you wanted... So much that you gave up EVERYTHING you had..."

Peace Walker is now fully submerged.

Strangelove:"But you couldn't achieve it. Isn't that right? And still all you can do is SING."

Snake salutes and Wolf falls to her knees.

Strangelove:"There's no PEACE  to be found, anywhere. And so we can only keep on HOPING..."

Snake takes off his bandana and throws it into the lake. Wolf takes off her bandana and looks at the petal and it slowly turns white.

Strangelove:"Hoping for the illusion we call PEACE."

The three of them stare out into the lake.


Miller:"Snake? Wolf? You still here? C'mon, let's go back."

Snake:"We're not going back."


Wolf:"We're done."

Miller:"Wolf, Snake, you don't mean..."

Snake:"We're done looking for the truth."

Miller:"What are you saying, Snake?"

Snake:"We were wrong."

Miller:"C'mon, Boss, Major. Everybody's waiting for you two."

Snake:"...She betrayed me, Kaz."

Miller:"She what?"

Snake:"In the end, she put down her gun. And when she did... she rejected her entire life up to that point... including me."

Miller:"What do you mean?"

Snake:"In giving up her life, she abandoned everything she was as a soldier..."

Miller:"And you consider that betrayal?"

Snake:"I won't make the same choice as her."

Wolf:"Neither will I."

Snake:"My and Wolf's future's going to be different."


Snake:"Yeah, that's right."

Snake:"From now on, Call me Big Boss."

Wolf:"And me, The Major."


Miller:*Com*"Got a sec, Snake? Wolf?"

Snake:*Com*"What's up?"

Miller:*Com*"It's about Paz. You know, she doesn't have any family. She got a scholarship thanks to Zadornov, and was living at the dorms....But he was KGB. All signs are her scholarship came from the KGB, too. Even if they let him go, she's not going to be seeing any more money."

Wolf:*Com*"It wouldn't have been much anyway."

Miller:*Com* "So I was wondering, what about letting her stay here a while?"

Snake:*Com* "What does she think?"

Miller:*Com* "She says she wants to help out. It would only be temporary. She's still in shock. Right now, no one understands her better than we do."

Snake:*Com*"Ok. but Kaz, don't take your eyes off her."

Miller:*Com*"What do you mean?"

Snake:*Com*"It won't be easy getting used to this kind of life."

Miller:*Com* "I know, Snake. I'm not trying to turn her into one of us. You both should talk to her yourselves later."


Miller:*Com* "And, ah, Dr. Strangelove wants to come, too."


Miller:*Com*"Well she's out of a job now, and she'd have a problem returning to England. You two can talk to her about it. Anyway, you don't need me to tell you how good she'd be for R&D."



842 words.

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