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(Really Short chapter)

Kaz:"Snake, Wolf, I've got the explosive to but through that barricade - C4.We've finished developing C4 charges. Take some with you."

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf making their way back through the mill. 

Kaz:*Radio* "Go back to the prison camp. It's in the village where they were holding Chico."

Wolf pinches her nose and Snake takes out any guards, also fultoning them. Then they make their way to the next area.

Cafetal Aroma Encantado: Entrance

When they get outside, Wolf takes a deep breath.

Wolf:"Ahh fresh air." *she then shoots someone on a catwalk.*

Snake just roles his eye and they make their way down a path knocking out any soldiers in their path and fultoning them. They make their way to the target area.

Kaz:*Radio* "Head west from there and it'll take you straight to the prison camp."

Aldea Los Despiertos

They get to the prison village.

Kaz:*Radio* "If you cut across the prison camp, you'll find a gate leading north."

Wolf and Snake take out the soldiers and fulton them then they make their way to the wall. Wolf pulls out some C4 and smiles showing her large Canine teeth. She and Snake back up a ways. 

Wolf:"Boom." *Presses a button and the C4 blows up.*

Kaz:"*Radio*"Good work, you two."

They move onto the target area.

Kaz:*Radio* "Excellent! Now make your way north."


Kaz:*Radio*"Snake, Wolf, you there?"

Snake:*Radio*"Yeah. What's up?"

Kaz:*Radio* "You've gotta talk to Amanda."

Wolf:*Radio* "What happened?"

Kaz:*Radio* "She wants to leave sickbay and get back on the battlefield, but she's not fully healed. She's still in crutches - who'd be crazy enough to try and fight like that?! You two have to talk some sense into her."

Snake:*Radio* "Is she with you right now?"

Kaz:*Radio* "No, she's in sickbay. She keeps shouting about how she doesn't want to be there. She won't shut up about it. She's driving me-"

Snake:*Radio* "Let her go."


Snake:*Radio* "If that's what she wants, let her go."

Kaz:*Radio*"I'm really not in the mood for jokes, Snake." 


Snake:*Radio*"I'm serious. Let her go."

Kaz:*Radio*"Why? So she can come back in a body bag?"

Snake:"*Radio* "I'm really not in the mood for jokes, Kaz."

Kaz:*Radio* "What are you talking about?"

Snake:*Radio* "Amanda isn't the type to just sit around in sickbay. She has a sense of duty - her purpose in life is to fight. The battlefield isn't just the best thing for her, it's the best thing for her compas, too. She'll be a huge morale boost - that can only benefit MSF."

Kaz:*Radio*"You think so?"

Snake:*Radio*"You're good at fighting, Kaz - one of the best... but you've got a lot to learn when it comes to people."

Kaz:*Radio* "... So where should I put her?" 

Snake:*Radio* "I'll think it over and find a team for her. Don't worry, she won't let us down."

Kaz:*Radio* "Whatever you say, Boss."



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