Search: The Searchaning part 3

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(Another super short.)

Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Zadornov has disappeared from his cell."

Snake:*Com*"What? You're kidding, right?" *Wolf is heard swearing up a storm in the background.*

Miller:*Com*"Afraid not. You've got a new mission: Find Zadornov!"


Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Zadornov's disappeared from his cell again. Find him!"


The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf sneaking around the jungle.

Miller:*Com* "Find Zadornov and bring him back here with Fulton recovery."

Snake and Wolf sneak through the area and Wolf takes out the Soldiers that are camouflaged. Then they head to the next area.

Selva de la Leche: Hillside

Snake and Wolf sneak through the next area taking out soldiers and fultoning them and then head to the next area.

Catarata de la Muerte

Snake and Wolf move  through the area and they find a prisoner and Wolf fultons them. Then Snake and Wolf head to the next area.

Selve de la Muerte: Bottom of Cliff

Snake and Wilf slowly move their way through the ruins and knock a few soldiers out and make their way to the next area.

Selva de la Muerte: Top of Cliff

Snake and Wolf sneak around the right side of the area getting behind a few soldiers and knocking them out and fultoning them. Wolf finds Zadornov and knocks him out and fultons him. Then Snake and Wolf fulton themselves.

Miller:*Com*"Mission complete! Great job."


Snake:*Com*"Found our friend, Kaz."

Zadornov:*Com*"..Damn it... And I was so close..."

Wolf:*Com*"When will you learn you can't hide from me!"

Miller:*Com*"Great. Good work. Snake, Wolf.



258 words.

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