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Kaz:*Radio*"Careful, Snake! Wolf! I've never seen anything like that, and I've got no idea how to bring it down. Maybe the scientist know. However you do it, take that thing out!"

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf Standing aways from the Pupa. Wolf tightens her banada

Wolf:"Snake, Let's go!" 

They both run around the side of the arena.

Emmerich:*PA*"That's an AI weapon - The Pupa! It's fast. So be careful!"

Wolf keeps running and she aims her Rifle at the AI pod and shoots it. Snake does the same.

Pupa:"Engaging shock units."

The Pupa shoots some shocks at them but they avoid it and keep shooting.

Emmerich:"*PA*Lie flat to avoid getting hit when it charges!"

It tries to shock them again but they avoid it.

Pupa:"Firing Booster."

The Pupa charges them and they avoid it. It goes down a tunnel and a song starts to play.

Emmerich:*PA*"There'll be some warnings signs when it's coming out..."

Wolf starts to imitate the AI pods singing.

Wolf:"*Hums* "Lalal lala lala."

Snake and Wolf wait for the Pupa.

Pupa:"Commencing Jump."

The Pupa jumps into the center of the arena. Snake pulls out his law and fires it. He barely misses. He reloads it.

Pupa:"Engaging shock units."

Wolf barrel rolls to avoid them. Snake fires his law hitting the AI pod. The Pupa uses it's turrets to shoot at them. A few bullets almost hit Wolf. Wolf shoots the AI pod a few times and almost gets shocked.

Pupa:"Firing boosters."

The Pupa tries to run them over but they lie down to avoid it. It goes down the tunnel singing the lala song. Wolf hums the tune also while waiting for it to come. She reloads her assault rifle. They look around for it.

Pupa:"Commencing Jump."

The Pupa jumps into the center of the arena and Snake shoots his law at it hitting it. 

Wolf:"How much bullets does this thing take." *She shoots it.*

Snake:"Just keep shooting." *He fires his law.*

Pupa:"Engaging shot units."

They both avoid the shock units but it fires it's turrets and a bullet grazes Wolf's leg.

Wolf:"Shit!" *She falls.*

Pupa:"Firing boosters."

Snake grabs her and drags her avoiding the Pupa as it goes down a tunnel singing its song. Snake helps Wolf to her feet.

Wolf:"Sorry Snake."

Snake:*Pats her back.* "We all make mistakes."

They both reload their weapons. Wolf is humming the song.

Pupa:"Commencing jump."

It jumps into the center of the arena. 

Snake and Wolf continue the process of shooting the AI pod. Something new happens.

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