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Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, We've got a problem. Zadornov's not in his cell."


Miller:*Com*"He must have used his prosthetic as a blowtorch to cut through the bars. But we've managed to narrow down his location using a transmitter we planted on him. I'm adding a new mission. Find the KGB agent Zadornov!"


Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Zadornov has escaped custody. Find him!"

Chapter 5:
Outer Heaven

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf crouching behind a tree route. Wolf is tightening her bandana, the petal on the red bandana is now white and she has a small scar on her right cheek.

Miller:*Com*"Find Zadornov and bring him back here with Fulton recovery."

Snake and Wolf pull out their Mk 22s and sneak forward. They get near a parked truck and there's a guard patrolling around it and Snake shoots him with his Mk 22, knocking him out. Snake goes up and fultons the soldier and He and Wolf move onto the next area. 

Rio del Jade

They get to the next area and take cover behind a shed and Wolf peeks around the corner and sees a guy. She shoots him in the head with her MK 22, knocking him and and she hears a thud around the corner and she looks to see Snake fultoning a guy. 

They head inside the boat house and Snake takes a guy out while Wolf heads up a ladder and finds a prisoner and she fultons them. She heads back down  and sees Snake choke a guy out near the watchtower and he fulton him. They regroup and head to the next area.

El Cenagral: Swamp

They get to the next area and spot a few guys and they shot them knocking them all out and they head to the next area.

El Cenagal: Ravine

They quickly move through the area and get to the bridge and there a soldier on it and Wolf shots him, knocking him out and she goes up and fultons the guy. She and Snake head to the next area.

El Cenagal: Swamp

Wolf sneaks up behind a guys and she chokes him out and fultons him as Snake takes a guy out a little ways ahead and fultons him. Then they both head to the next area.

Bananal Fruta de Oro: Sorting Shed

They sneak their way through the next area slowly moving past the guards and they find a prisoner in the shed and they fulton them and they sneak their way around the area and find Zadornov and Wolf shoots him in the head with her Mk 22, knocking him out and Snake fultons him. Then they go outside and fulton themselves.

Miller:*Com*"I knew you two could do it. Piece of cake, right?"


Zadornov:*Com*"Heh heh.. So you found me."

Wolf:*Com*"It wasn't hard. I just followed your scent. What're you up to, anyway?"

Zadornov:*Com*"Just... going for a stroll."

Snake:*Com*"Kaz, We've got Zadornov. Returning home."

Miller:*Com*"Acknowledge, Snake."


Miller:*Com*"Package for you, Boss. Major."



Miller:*Com*"Yeah. Looks like a cassette tape. Don't worry, it's clean. No trace of explosives or anything. Return address just says 'EVA.'"



Miller:*Com.* "Someone you two know?"

Snake:*Com*"Old... acquaintance."


Miller:*Com*"Ho ho hooo, the plot thickens. Tidings from an old flame?"

Snake:*Com*"Don't start, Kaz." *Wolf is heard laughing.* "Anyway, I'll check it out later."

Miller:*Com*"OK, just don't go running off after this chick. We can't afford for you to be 'distracted' right now."



575 words.

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