S.E.A.R.C.H. A.G.A.I.N

26 1 0

(shortie short episode.)

Miller:*Com*"Snake! Wolf! Zadornov's done it again!"


Wolf:*Com* "Why am I not surprised." 


Miller:*Com*"Snake! Wolf! Zadornov's done it again!"

Snake:*Com*"Gimme a break..."

Wolf:*Com*"I'm tired of this."


Miller:*Com*"Snake! Wolf! Listen, Zadornov's done it again!"



Miller:*Com*"I hate to entertain the thought, but this might be an inside job."

Wolf groans.

Snake:*Com*"What the hell's he after, anyway?"

Miller:*Com*"No clue. Can't imagine he's just out to annoy us, though."

Snake:*Com*"You know, it might not be worth keeping him here. If he's not going to join us..."

Miller:*Com*"I thought it might boost our Russian compatriots' morale, but..Ok. I'll think it over."

Wolf:*Com*"Let's hope he's just playing hide-and-seek..."

Miller:*Com*"I've added a new mission. Go get Zadornov!"


Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Zadornov's escaped. You have to find him!"

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf arriving at the mine.

Miller:*Com*"Find Zadornov and bring him back here with Fulton recovery."

Snake shoots a soldier with his Mk 22, knocking him out and Snake and Wolf go up a ladder to get on the roof and they then jump down to the ground and Snake Follows Wolf as she heads towards a box and she lifts it up and finds Zadornov. Snake shoots him in the head with his MK 22, knocking him out. Snake fultons him. Then they fultons themselves.

Miller:*Com*"Mission complete! The folks back at Mother Base will be thrilled."


Snake:*Com*"Kaz, we've located Zadornov."

Miller:*Com*"Nice work. I knew you two would."

Zadornov:*Com*"Tch! How could I be so stupid..."



253 words

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