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The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf aiming their weapons at ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"She's gonna launch a nuke! Snake, Wolf, we've got to stop her, whatever it takes. Awaiting your orders!"

ZEKE takes a step forward.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Stop me if you can!"

Snake pulls out his LAW and Wolf pulls out her M60 and they start to fire at ZEKE.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Die!" *A machine gun shoots at Snake and Wolf and they separate and avoid the bullets.*

Wolf shoots at ZEKE but it jumps to the side and Snake shoots a rocket at it and it jumps to the side again. The machine gun starts to shoot at them again.

Miller:*Com*"You two have to stop Paz before she can launch that nuke!"

Zeke runs to the side of the deck and starts to shoot it machine gun at Snake and Wolf.

Miller:*Com* "We've activated the hatches up on deck. You can use them as cover so long as they're open."

Wolf rolls to a hatch and avoids some gun fire and she shoots back at ZEKE. 

Paz:*Speakers.*"Time to wrap this up." *ZEKE jumps aways from them.*

Then ZEKE lowers it Cannon at them.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Soon you will witness true Hell."

Snake dives behind cover and avoids shoots from the cannon and he shoots his LAW at ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"Put Mother Base's gun platforms to use. The control panel is on the edge of the deck."

Wolf is about to run to the Panel but ZEKE jumps in the middle of the platform and starts to shoots its machine guns at her and Wolf runs from them while shooting at ZEKE.


But Snake runs over and presses a button on the panel.

Miller:*Com*"Transport catapult ready to launch."

ZEKE jumps to another platform.


ZEKE launches rockets at Snake and Wolf. But they were able to avoid them and shoots back at ZEKE. After a while of avoiding rockets and cannon fire and shooting back at ZEKE. ZEKE jumps  back on their platform and lands near Wolf.

Paz:*Speakers.*"I'll crush you flat!"

ZEKE raies a leg and Wolf rolls out of the way as it slams into the ground. Snake and Wolf shoots back at ZEKE.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Venceremos!"*ZEKE launches rockets at Snake and Wolf.*

Snake and Wolf avoid the rockets and reload their weapons. Wolf runs over to a computer and taps a button.

Miller:*Com*"Transport catapult ready to launch!"

Wolf runs over to another computer and taps a button, while Snake fires rockets at ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"Strike request acknowledged. We'll need you to tag the target directly."

Wolf pulls out binoculars and targets ZEKE.

Miller:*Com*"Locked on target! FIRE!"

A couple missiles are launched and they hit ZEKE. ZEKE leans to a side and can't move.

MGS Peace Walker: The MajorWhere stories live. Discover now