Search: The Final

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Miller:*Com*"It, ah, happened again, Snake. Wolf.

Wolf is hear groaning and then screams.

Snake:*Com*"Zadornov? What's he got, an escape fetish?"

Miller:*Com* "He clearly has friends on the inside, but we've got no way of knowing who."

Snake:*Com*"Ugh. Persistent bastard, I'll give him that. Where is he this time?"

Miller:*Com*"That's the thing. He must've found and gotten rid of the transmitter. We've got no idea where he is. Snake, Wolf, think you can find him?"

Snake:*Com*"...We can't just let him run around - makes us look bad."

Miller:*Com*"I'll say. Since we can't locate him, I'm afraid I can't add a new mission. You two know what to do."


The camera opens up to Wolf entering the gun range and Snake following her. She is sniffing the air and looks to Snake and nods. Snake nods and they both take their Mk 22s out. They then head up the stairs and they head down a catwalk.

Zadornov:"Big Boss! The Major!"

Snake and Wolf stop walking as Zadornov walks out from behind a beam and he pulls out a pistol and shoots at Snake and Wolf. He misses every shot and Snake and Wolf just stand there and stare at him. Then Zadornov outs his robot hand on the gun and Snake shoots him. Zadornov falls to the ground.

Zadornov:"My work is done...."

Snake:"What are you talking about?"

Zadornov puts put his robot hand and gives them a peace symbol. 

Zadornov:"'V for Victory.'" *He hid hand at them.* "Rocket Peace!" *He shoots his robot hand at them and Snake and Wolf take cover behind a pillar.*

The hand lands near Zadornov and gives him the V for Victory, then he dies. Snake and Wolf go up to Zadornov and check him.

Snake:"Kaz, We found Zadornov. I had to kill him."

Miller:*Com*"Huh..." *Snake and Wolf crouch down to Zadornov.* "So much for our fugitive..."

Wolf:"Something's not right here. I'm thinking he had a friend."

Miller:*Com*"...Someone inside MSF...Huh?!"

Snake:"What's going on?"

Miller:*Com* "It's ZEKE... It's moving!"


Miller*Com*"There's somebody inside, I can see them... Snake, Wolf, get up here pronto!"

Snake and Wolf run out of the gun range and head up top. They get outside and start running but ZEKE comes up a platform in front of them and they stop running.

Paz:*Speakers.*"Took you two long enough...Big Boss, The Major."

Snake:"Paz"*She laughs.* "Get down from there before you hurt somebody."

Paz:*Speakers.*"Maybe I want to hurt somebody..."

Miller:*Com*"What's going on? She's not herself..."

Paz:*Speakers.*"Oh, I am myself all true self."

Metal Gear ZEKE
General Purpose Bipedal War Machine (Manned)

Wolf:"Kaz, shut that thing down..."

Miller:*Com*"I can't. The controls aren't responding."

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