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Kaz:*Radio*"Snake, Wolf, the nukes  appear to have left the coastal marshes and reached the mountains around Irazú. But without a guide, it's gonna be tough tracking those things in the mountains. So we need you both to infiltrate one of their bases, a prison facility."

Snake:*Radio* "I hope nothing's happened to Amanda's brother...."

Kaz:*Radio*"I hear ye. There may be other Sandinistas held there, too. To bring them back safely to MSF, use the Fulton Recovery System. As I'm sure you know from experience, it's completely harmless. After all, you two won't have time to sit there and convince every single one of 'em to join."

Amanda:*Radio*"One other thing, you two."


Amanda:*Radio*"Those CIA bastards confiscated some of the houses in the village. Chico's got to be inside one of them."

Snake:*Radio*"Houses, huh....How do we tell which ones?"

Amanda:*Radio*"When they took over the houses, they installed new front doors for security purposes. The new doors are blue, With peepholes, so you can see what's inside."

Wolf:*Radio* "Blue doors. Got it."

KAz:*Radio*"You're both getting close to the end of the transport route. Good luck, you two."

The camera opens up to show Snake and Wolf walking through the jungle, again. 

Kaz:*Radio* "Chico's in a prison camp north of here."

They head through the forest and their is a guard in front of them and Wolf chokes him out and Fultons him. They keep on moving. They sneak past another guard and head to the next area.

Kaz:*Radio*"That basin will leave you completely exposed. If I were the enemy, I'd position snipers there. Better be careful."

Camin de Lava: Junction

They walk down the road and Wolf shoots a guy with her Mk 22. Then she smells something and tackles Snake to the ground. A sniper round hit the ground where they were standing. They both get up and hide behind some cargo containers. 

Snake:"Thanks." *He giver her a thumbs up.*

Wolf:*Smiles*"No problem."

Kaz:*Radio* "Sniper! Better be careful if you don't want you heads blown off."

Snake:"Can you smell him?"

Wolf puts her nose to the air and sniffs it.

Wolf:"He's on a ledge left to a big tree."

Snake peeks his head out and sees the sniper then he looks back to Wolf.

Snake:*Smiles to her.* "Good." *Snake pats her head and she give him an annoyed look.*

Snake then pulls out his Mk22 and shoots the sniper knocking him out. Then both snake and Wolf run up to a fallen tree and take cover. The knocked out soldier from before is there too, and Wolf fultons him. Then Wolf shifts to a lodge next to them and she sees another guard next to the train on she shoots him too, knocking him out. She goes over to the train and the knocked out guard and she fultons him. She hears a grunt and looks to the train to see a prisoner. She fultons him too. Then she looks to Snake and gives him the OK sign and they move to the next area.

Aldea Los Despiertos

They come up to the village and sneak in. Snake spots a soldier heading their way and he shoot him, Knocking him out. He lands on the ground with a thud.

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