Follow The Train

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(Sorry, short chapter.)

Kaz:*Radio* "Snake, Wolf, according to Chico, the nuclear materials will be loaded from a train on to a truck at a rail terminal near the eastern foot of Irazú. If we can't cut 'em off at the terminal, we'll be in a world of hurt. Hurry, you two!"

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf outside the building they found Chico. More soldiers came while they were inside.

Kaz:"The train terminal is on the other side of the coffee factory. Head for the factory first."

Wolf sniffs the air, she smells a guy nearby. She peaks her head out from behind the wall and sees a soldier walking down the road. She takes out her Mk22 and shoots him in the head. He falls to the ground knocked out with a thud. 

Kaz:*Radio* "To get to the coffee factory, you'll first need to backtrack to the fork in the road."

Snake and Wolf go around the village knocking the soldiers out and fulroning them. Snake gets out a box and Wolf looks at him weirdly. 

Snake:"What? I like boxes."

He uses the box to get over a wall and Wolf follows him.

Cafetal Aroma Encantado: Entrance

They get to the next area and come to a little supply area with a few soldiers. Wolf just shoots them all and she foltons them. They find a prisoner and Snake fultons him too. They move up the path. There are more soldiers up ahead and Snake takes care of them and he fultons them. They look around the warehouses a find a prisoner and Wolf fultons him. They move onto the next area.

Cafetal Aroma Encantado: Mill

They arrive at the mill.

Kaz:*Radio* "Pass through the coffee factory to reach the train terminal."

There are a few patrol guards and Snake and Wolf deal with them. Wolf sneezes and rubs her nose.

Wolf:*growls*"Darn coffee, I can't smell anything but coffee."

Snake finds a prisoner and extracts him. Wolf moves around the mill and finds another prisoner and she extracts him. Snake and Wolf go up a ladder to the second floor and take out a few guards there and they find a door that leads outside. They go outside and down some stairs. They move down the path leading to the next area.

El Cadalso

They arrive at the target area and they sneak ahead. They hide behind some lumber an spot a bunch of enemy soldiers guarding a blue train cart. Snake and Wolf ready their Mk22s.

Kaz:*Radio*"Looks like we're just in time. Neutralize all enemies and secure the train!"

Snake and Wolf take out the soldiers one by one. They never knew what hit them. Once all soldiers are knocked out Snake and Wolf fulton extract them all. Then they move onto the cart. They hear a truck engine and they see a truck driving away.

Kaz:*Radio* "Check out the cargo!"

They run to the cart and open the door. It's empty. They look to a trucks bed and see a nuke. 

Wolf:"The nukes!" *She looks at the license plate. 64779*

Snake and Wolf hop into the train car. Then wolf hears something behind her. It's a Tank and it shoots. She tackles Snake out of the train just in time. The shell it the train car sending it flying into the entrance of the tunnel, blocking it. The tank heads towards them and Snake helps Wolf up off the ground. Enemy soldiers move to the sides of the tank. Snake and Wolf run behind another train car. The T-72U and the soldiers move into the area. Snake and WOlf get ready.




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