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Kaz:*Radio* "Snake, Wolf, you're north of the village. The truck carrying the nukes is heading towards the heart of the mountain. That's its final destination. We've got no inte on what lies beyond, so stay sharp."

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf walking along a fence with a big red pipe on the other side. 

Kaz:*Radio*"Cross the bridge and head north."

Wolf sniff the air and smells a few guys. She looks to the bridge and she sees one on top and she aims her Mk22 and shoots him in the head knocking him out. Snake goes under the bridge and knocks the guys out down their. They fulton the soldiers and they move onto the next area.

Los Cantos: Ridge

They get to the next area and they hear a groan. Snake and Wolf look to each other and go to where they heard it. They get to a ledge a little to high for them to reach. Wolf goes to the wall and turns around putting her hands out. Snake walks up and Wolf helps him onto the ledge. Snake then puts his head out and Wolf grabs it and Snake lifts her up onto the ledge. They look over to see a prisoner and Snake extracts them. Then they use the building as cover to sneak behind some soldiers. They see a few soldiers guarding a truck and Snake and Wolf take them out and fulton them. Then they move onto the next area.

Fuerte La Ladera

They follow the road and come to a fort entrance.

Kaz:*Radio* "You have to get through that fort. Their base is beyond it."

Snake and Wolf shoot all the guards and they are knocked out. They move towards the entrance and the main gate is blocked off but they see and ladder to the side. Snake goes up first and Wolf goes up second. They knock out any guards up their. 

Wolf:"I need a cigar."

Snake:"We're almost done. You can wait."

Wolf:*Whines.* "Fine."

They find a prisoner and extract them. They move into the base.

Crater Base

They get inside and some trucks and donkeys.

Snake:*Radio* "Kaz, We're inside the facility. There's rows and rows of trucks here."

Kaz:*Radio* "If that's where they brought the NUKES, then the truck we're after should be there."

Wolf:"64779 is what we're looking for snake."

Snake and Wolf look around and Snake spots the numbers.


They walk over to it and lift the cover. But the nukes are gone.

Wolf:*Radio*"This is the one. The exhaust's still warm. But the cargo's already been offloaded." 

They run father into the base and hear voices and they take cover behind a wall.

Emmerich:"Just a minute! This isn't what we agreed on!"

Man:"It's too late. The  changes have already been finalized."

Emmerich:"You told me it was going to be a deterrent - That we wouldn't have to launch!"

Snake peeks around the cover.

Man:"I am not arguing with you doctor. Our goal is to create the perfect deterrent."

Emmerich:"That's why I agreed to help develop it..."

Man:"Mm-hmm. However, in order to achieve that PERFECT DETERRENT, we must show the world our strength. Three key principles ensure effective nuclear deterrence. First, you must have nuclear weapons. Second, you must never use them first. And third, and most important... If someone attacks you, you MUST strike back. Unless we prove beyond a doubt that these three principles work in practice, the world will not accept our new deterrent. And the only way to do that is to show them we're capable of actually launching a nuke."

Snake and Wolf look to each other. 

Emmerich:"But.. Isn't deterrence supposed to stop nukes from being used...!"

Man:"Exactly. And so the one we launch will be the last one EVER!"

Emmerich:"I won't let you use my CREATION like that!" 

The man pushes Emmerich's wheelchair to the edge of some stairs.

Man:"YOUR CREATION?" *He laughs* "That thing wasn't even your idea to begin with, you stole it, Didn't you?"

Emmerich:"S-Stole it? You're one to talk! You got the idea for BIPEDAL LOCOMOTION from the communists in the first place!"

Man:"You listen to me, DOC! Keep quiet. Do as I say, and not another word about stolen ideas. Should we succeed here, You'll be the toast of the scientific community... And your name'll go down in history as champion of both Progress and National Security!"


Man:"Doctor! Unless we prove we're capable of launching, PEACE WALKER is useless as a deterrent."

Emmerich:"You used me."

Man:"We used each other, I'll get my old director's job back at headquarters, and you'll finally be able to 'walk tall' among your colleagues."

emmerich:"Rgh... I won't let you get away with this!"

Man:"How unfortunate. Guess I'll just have to take your 'LEGS' for myself!"

The man pushes Emmerich's wheelchair down the stairs. 

Man:"Peace won't just come to us, Doc. We are going to have to go meet it halfway. V FOR VICTORY." *The man walks away.*


Snake and Wolf rush to Emmerich.

Snake:"Hey, you ok?"

Emmerich:"DON"T DO IT...!"

Wolf:"SNAP OUT OF IT! Where are the nukes?"

Emmerich:"He's gonna do it! He's gonna launch a NUKE!"

A helicopter flies over head. 

Snake and Wolf run into the base. They come to an area and something is being lifted out of the ground. 

The big drone signing it's song is lifting Peace Walker into the sky. A helicopter flies next to it. 

Man:*PA* "Take them out!"

Something drives into the arena. It drifts towards them and Snake and Wolf dodge it. It turns around and looks at them.

Wolf:"A Shagohod?"

It looks like a Shagohod but with more turrets and and A.I. Pod.

Emmerich:*PA*"Look out! It's one of the unmanneds! Heads up!"

Snake and Wolf get ready.




(I don't own anything except Wolf.)

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