Control Tower

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Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Peace Walker is being controlled from the control tower! It's to the northeast. Get going! We'll be there to back you up!"

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf running down a hallway and they head outside.

Miller:*Com* "The control tower that's controlling Peace Walker is located to the northeast. Go back east the way you came. Then head north from there."

Snake takes out a few soldiers with his MK 22 and Wolf pulls out her M16A1 and destroys a drone. They head down the ladder and go across the catwalk and head up the other ladder and head back the way they came.

Two soldiers start to shoot at them and one tosses a flash bang and it lands at Wolf's feet and she grabs it and tosses it back at them and it goes off blinding them and She and Snake take them both out and they head to the next area.

Small Maintenance Dock

They head down the stairs and Wolf pulls out her assault rifle and takes out a drone.

Miller:*Com* "Your objective lies beyond the gate."

Soldiers shoot at them and Snake and Wolf pull out there MK 22s and they knock out the soldiers and head through the gate.

Main Maintenance Dock

They run down a down a tunnel; and take cover in little outcoves and they take out the drones in the area.

Miller:*Com* "This terrain leaves you completely exposed. Can't you make something conceal your selves?"  

Wolf spots a propane tank and she shoots it and it explodes and lands on the track. The Snake shoots a red barrel on a catwalk and it explodes destroying the catwalk and it falls on the tracks. Wolf shoots another and it falls on the track. 

Then they run ahead and take soldiers out with their Mk 22s and take cover behind the destroyed propane tank.

Miller:*Com* "RPGs they could be trouble."

They knock out a bunch of soldiers and they head to the next area. 


The gate on the other side starts to close.

Miller:*Com* "The gate is starting to close get on the other side before it does!"

They avoid fire from soldiers behind them, but a bullet grasses Wolf's right cheek and it starts to bleed. But more soldiers come out from a side door in front of them and they shoot them and knock them out and they head through the side door and find an elevator.

Miller:*Com* "In the elevator quick!"

Snake runs up and press the button and while they wait they take cover at the entrance and shoot at the soldiers. The doors to the elevator open and they run into it and Snake presses a button. 


Wolf touches her cheek and hisses in pain.

Snake:"You okay?"

Wolf:"Yeah, it's just a graze."

Snake nods.

Wolf:*sighs*"Just another scar to add to my collection." 

The doors to the elevator opens and they immediately get shot at.

Miller:*Com* "Watch out for the gunship."

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