Get To The Hanger

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Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Peace Walker is being prepped for activation in the hangar at the bottom of the base. Get in there and destroy the AI before it's activated!

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf running up some stairs then running down a hallway. They're back in there combat gear. They enter a big room and they start to sneak around.

Miller:*Com*"Time's running short. Get over to Peace Walker's hangar now."

Snake and Wolf sneak along the left wall and they take out two guys and wolf heads up some stairs and find a prisoner and she fultons him. Snake fultons the knocked out soldiers. Then Snake and Wolf find some stairs and they head down them.

Underground Passage A

They get down the stairs and head into a room. Snake and Wolf spot two guards talking and they shot them both and knocked them out. They go up and fulton them then head over to an open door and go through it.

Underground Passage B

They go through a door and enter the room.

Miller:"Alright, Peace Walker can't be far! Hurry!"

Wolf looks to the left and sees a prisoner and she goes over and fultons them. Then she and Snake sneak and ahead and hide behind a pillar. Wolf sniff the air and smells someone near them. Wolf taps Snakes shoulder and he looks over and puts up one finger and he nods. 

Wolf peaks around the corner and sees the guard with their back turned to her and she sneaks up and chokes him out. Then she fultons him and She and Snake move ahead and find a door with some stairs leading down and they go down the stairs. Wolf smells two guys and she puts her MK 22 up and she slowly walks to the door and she sees a guy right outside the door and she shoots him.  Then she turns to the other one and shoots him.

Wolf and Snake go up and fulton both the soldiers. They head down a hall that leads to the hangar, They get inside and see Strangelove and Coldman. Coldman has Paz.

Coldman:"It's too late. Big Boss. The Major."

Paz:"Snake, Wolf."


Coldman:"At last I found her, The culprit who led you two here to begin with. Should have taken care of her back at the supply facility."

Paz:"Snake, Wolf, don't..."

Coldman:"The mammal pod is finished. Peace Walker's activation is COMPLETE." 


Strangelove:"With The Boss, you were loyal to the end. I'll grant you that. But your SILENCE  was exactly the answer I needed. Ten years ago, your mission was to kill her and her mission was to be killed by you. She fulfilled her duty to America to the very end. Thanks to you, Snake, the final missing piece is now in place. And Thus - The Boss is restored to life as The Mammal Pod. I thank you."

Wolf:"Restored to life...? You're crazy."

Coldman:"I'll let you in on a little secret, Big Boss, The Major, you see I've already selected Peace Walker's INITIAL TARGET. An offshore area in the caribbean. The trade wind's will scatter the fallout all over the surrounding region. Crops and fish will die, leaving plenty of free hands to help us mass-produce Peace Walker. Oho... And wouldn't you know, someone's gone and built a pesky little fortress there. Now who would do that?"

Wolf growls.

Coldman:"And right in the middle of the target zone, too. Oh well, all the better to test the warheads' CEP."

Snake:"You bastard.."

Coldman:"I wonder who'll miss a ragtag band of pirates all the way out in the middle of the caribbean...?"

Both Snake and Wolf aim their pistols at him. 

Coldman:"But first...We're going to prove to the White House that our baby can travel the caribbean coast on it's own. The whole world will know of PEACE WALKER'S VERSATILITY. They'll witness the birth of a deterrent that can penetrate both communist and Guerilla-controlled territory, traverse any kind of terrain....And deliver a nuke anywhere it needs to go. Untouchable. Unstoppable. THE PERFECT DETERRENT."

Snake:"The Cold War's days are numbered. Deterrence isn't only about America and Russia now."

Coldman:"You know what? You're absolutely right. While we've been wringing our hands, China, France, even India - Have surpassed us. There's a free-for-all nuclear arms race brewing just below the surface. The nuclear threat will only spread, which is exactly why we must enter it here and now. And the Peace Walker Project is the key."

The platform that Peace Walker is on starts to raise. 

Coldman:"The advent of Peace Walker will brings calm to this restless world. Don't you see, Snake? Wolf? We need nukes - controlled nukes - to have peace."


Coldman:"Peace Walker will restore order - Order in the form of a New Cold War. But if the world is to understand the genius of our plan. WE MUST LAUNCH."

Strangelove and Coldman walkaway. With Coldman dragging Paz with him.


Miller:*Com* "STOP THEM, SNAKE! WOLF! Don't let 'em get away!"

Snake and Wolf run after them. After awhile they arrive on the surface and Peace Walker comes up the elevator. 

Wolf:"Holy Shit."

Fail-Deadly AI-Controlled Walking Tank

Peace Walker starts to walk away from them and Snake shoots at it and it stops moving.

Huey:*Com*"Ah, Snake!"

Snake:"What? What did I do?"

Peace Walker:"Self-defense online."

Huey:*Com* "Snake, the pod's outfitted with a self-defense module."

Peace Walker starts to turn around.

Wolf:"Well Shit." 

Huey:*Com.*"Ipon detecting attack, it aborts its command and enters small-target suppression mode."

Peace Walker Aims it shoulder cannon at them and it's hatch opens up.

Huey:*Com* "Right now, Peace Walker's highest priority target is you two. Here is comes!"

Peace Walker rawrs at them and Snake and Wolf aim Their assault rifles at it.


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