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(Guys before we start I want you all to go check out KadenR24    He make great stories and also inspired me to make this one. He also has a MGS story that I recommend you go check out. So thank you!)

Miller:*Com.* "....Snake, Wolf, I hope you can hear me. Word is that you two have been captured by Strangelove. I'm guessing they confiscated your gear. But I know you've still got something left. Seary your memory, Snake! Wolf!"

The camera opens up to soldiers standing in a line. Wolf is at the end, she's shorter than everyone else. Their drill sergeant comes up to them and starts to yell at them. He then walks up to Wolf.

Sargeant:"What have we here? They let a child into my unit! What is your name soldier!"

Wolf:"Isla Leslie, Sir!"

Sargeant:"Why are you here?"

Wolf:"I want to become like the Boss, Sir!"

The Sargeant stares at her for a few seconds then starts to laugh.

Sargeant:"Someone as small and weak as you won't become as great as the Boss. But I guess that's why you're here then. To become like her. Then If you do I want you to run around this base until dinner time!"

Wolf:*Salutes.* "Yes. Sir!"

Wolf goes and starts to run around the base.

Suddenly the dream ends as Wolf is shaken awake. Wolf opens her eyes and notices that she's strapped to a chair, she then hears some water splashing and she looks up to see Strangelove holding a bucket and Snake hanging by his arms from the ceiling. He's covered in water. There is a radio playing some music nearby.

Strangelove:*Tosses the bucket and picks up some rods.* "Rise and Shine. Coldman's greed does not concern me. I'm only interested in one thing." *SHe touches the rods together and they spark with electricity and Wolf starts to sweat.*" "The Truth.

Strangelove: *She removes the rods and they stop sparking electricity.* "I'm a Scientist - An AI developer. But not an AI myself. I'm a Scientist. And as a scientist, I find this distasteful." *She looks to both Snake and Wolf.* "You both understand? I'm A SCIENTIST and I expect answers that make sense." *She touches the rods together and they start to spark and Wolf panics a little.* "Now, What do you know?"

Strangelove:"Your Boss defected from the U.S. taking a Davy Crockett with her, and used it to launch a nuclear strike on soviet territory. That much I know from the CIA's official debriefing. Did she DEFECT OR NOT?" *Snake or Wolf don't speak and Strangelove gets mad.* "ANSWER ME! Did she or did she not die for her country?"

Snake or Wolf still don't answer and Strangelove turns the radio off.

Snake:"...She sold us out. Our orders were to take care of her."

Strangelove:"Liar! I want to know the truth! Brace yourself."

She starts to shock Snake.


After a few seconds she stops.

Snake:"...You hate me? Fine. Turn it up. It doesn't change the fact that I KILLED HER!" 

Strangelove:"I know that.... But what I Don't know is your motive. Why would a HERO - Loyal to the end - Betray her country?! What really happened?! What did you see?!"

Wolf:"She betrayed more than just her country. She betrayed Snake, too!"

Strangle love looks to her.

MGS Peace Walker: The MajorWhere stories live. Discover now