Why are we still Searching? Just to Search?

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(Again Short episode.) 

Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, you're not gonna believe this, but..."


Miller:*Com*"Zadornov's missing again."

Wolf is heard crying.

Snake:*Com*"Kaz, are you sure somebody's not... I don't know, letting him out on purpose."

Miller:*Com*"You think I have time to assemble a mole hunt? Man, this guy isn't just good, he's so good it's scary."

Snake:*Com*"If he's doing this alone, that is."

Miller:*Com*"Anyway, he left a trail, se we've got a good idea of where he's probably hiding. You two know what the mission is... Find Zadornov, Snake! Wolf!"


Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, Zadornov's escaped custody again. You both have to track him down!"


The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf sneaking into the village.

Miller:*Com*"Find Zadornov, Snake. Wolf."

Snake and Wolf sneak around the village taking out all the soldiers and fultoning them. Then they head to the next area.

Los Cantos: Canyon

Snake and Wolf get to the next area and take out the soldiers and head to the next area.

Los Cantos: Ridge

Snake and Wolf sneak into the next area and take out the soldiers in it and then head for the next area.

Fuerte La Ladera

Snake and Wolf make their way up the road and take the guards out, outside and on top of the wall then head inside and sneak into the base.

Crater Base

They get inside the base.

Snake:"Kaz, We're inside the facility. There's rows and rows of trucks here."

Miller:*Com*"Zadornov should be somewhere in that area, find him."

Snake looks to Wolf and Wolf nods. She starts to sniff around and finds a faint scent of Zadornov and she walks over to a truck and Snake follows her. Wolf opens the flap and they see Zadornov.



Snake:*Com* "We found him, Kaz."

Zadornov:*Com*"Close... But no cigar."

Miller:*Com* "Not for you, anyway. Snake, Wolf, We're coming to pick him up."



319 words

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