Cloud Forest

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Kaz:*Radio* "Snake, Wolf, Peace Walker is the heart of the enemy's project. To prevent its completion, You'll need to either shut down or destroy the artificial intelligence that functions as its brain. According to Huey, That AI is now undergoing final calibrations in Strangelove's lab. It's inside a tropical cloud forest. Slip in and terminate that AI before they ship it out."

Chapter 2:
The Phantom Heros

November 19, 1974 Costa Rica
Selva de la Leche, Central Heredia

Snake and Wolf are both on seperate Mules. There is a bandage around Wolf left leg. It's a little bloody.

Huey:*Radio*"SNAKE, WOLF, How are the mules treating you?"

Snake:*Radio* "At this pace, we should be there by tomorrow morning."

Wolf:*Radio* "At least its peaceful out here."

Huey:*Radio* "You've both got to hurry. The AI could be completed any time now."

Wolf takes out a cigar from her pocket and lights it.

Snake:*Radio*"Would be nice to have a guide..."

Huey:*Radio*"Already on it. I've enlisted Paz to help you. She knows the jungle pretty well."

Paz:*Radio*"SNAKE, WOLF, I know you're both are experts in survival. But you need to stay alert. You're both in an ancient jungle so foddy you can hardly see the trees. It is home to 2,500 species of plants, including 400 types of orchids. There are also 500 species of butterflies and over 400 species of wild birds."

A Menelaus Blue Morpho flies in front of Wolf and she takes a picture of it. 


Paz:*Radio*"The bedrock is solid enough that Mayan ruins have miraculously survived centuries of earthquakes."

Wolf takes the cigar out of her mouth.

Wolf:*Radio*"A AI LAB in a mayan ruin. Who'd have thought eh, HUEY?"

Wolf puts the cigar back in her mouth. They stop at a river.

Huey:*Radio* "My sentiments exactly. That doesn't mean security's any less tight. Tough you two still have the ID CARD I gave you don't you?"

Snake:*Radio*"Got it right here."

Huey:*Radio* "That'll get you through the gate no problem. After that, you're on your own."

Wolf puts her finger out and a Menelaus Blue Morpho flies on to it. She walks over to the river and takes off her pants and cleans her wound.

Huey:*Radio* "As long as the AI remain unassembled, COLDMAN'S plan's on ice."

The butterfly flies away. Wolf watches it go.

Snake:*Radio*"Ha, ha. What about security inside the lab?"

Snake catches two fish and he toss one to Wolf. She catches it and sinks her teeth into it eating in.

Huey:*Radio*"Well, It shouldn't be a problem for you two. Strangelove demanded that the security presence inside the lab be kept to a minimum."

Kaz:*Radio*"It's not all good news, Snake, Wolf, Coldman knows we're here. He's raised security in the area surrounding the lab. You'll be seeing a lot of that Chrysalis UAV, and a bunch of patrol choppers too. There may be scouts in the jungle lying in ambush. As you both approach the lab, Be extra vigilant."

Snake:*Radio*"We'll be careful."

Wolf stops eating and she Smiles showing her bloody teeth. She looks scary.

Wolf:*Radio* "They clearly underestimated us, if they only have that much to try and stop us."

They they hear the sound of flying.


They look up to see the Chrysalis and it's playing the song.

Wolf unconsciously sings along. Wolf and Snake hid. It stops and spots the mules running away. The it flies away.

Kaz:*Radio* "They're looking for you both. Stay sharp. Snake, Wolf, STRANGELOVE'S LAB is a few miles to the NORTH. It won't be long before the AI is complete. Don't let that happen."

Snake and Wolf get a move on. They follow a path through the forest.

Kaz:*Radio* "Careful. If there's enemy scouts around here, they'll be nearly impossible to see, But not smell."

Snake and Wolf move through the forest and Wolf as her nose to the air. She puts her hand up and Snake stops. Wolf smells the air then points to a tree in front and to the right and another on closer. Snake nods and slowly moves ahead and he spots the soldiers and shoots them with his MK 22. The soldiers gets knocked out. Snake gives her a thumbs up. Snake fultons the soldiers.

Kaz:*Radio* "Watch out. Enemy Search may not spot enemies that are actively hidden. 

Snake and Wolf move forward. Wolf sneaks behind a tree and grabs a hidden soldier choking him out. She fultons him. They walks past a fake soldier. Wolf chuckles at it. They move onto the next area.

Selva de la Leche: Hillside

They get to the next area and wolf smells the air and she smells a few hidden soldiers. She also she's some fake soldiers. She points to one and looks to Snake.

Wolf:"Do they think we're that dumb."

Snake:"Like you said 'Their underestimating us.'"

Wolf and Snake move ahead and take out the hidden soldiers and fulton them. Then they move onto the next area.

Catarata de la Muerte

They get to the next area and slowly walk through it with their guns drawn.  They hear an engine and a helicopter flies up from the lake and drops off a few soldiers. 

General-Purpose Attack Helicopter.

Snake and Wolf ready up.




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