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Spicy scent of bergamot and patchily with notes of soothing sweetness of chocolate. Sinewy, hard, warm, strong, bare body pressed tightly against my small, naked physic. Soft fingertips trailing along my spine. My arms wrapped around robust torso. My head on vast, vigorous chest. 

Rain is pouring like mad, mirroring our misery and pain. Sky is nearly black, coated with dark cloud - resembles of my inner state. Dreadful silence is agonising and gut wrenching.

Sheets are nothing, but wrinkled mess, reminding of our night - beautiful, passionate, yet so goddamn hurtful and emotional loving. Our fragranced mixed in one sublime scent, lingering in the air, notes of skin to skin pleasures lacing themselves in the odour. 

"Piccola?"- almost whispered my beloved young man as I glanced at him, laying my hand on his chest. 

"I want you to have something."- he said warmly, cupping my cheek tenderly, kissing my forehead. 

He reached for his nightstand and opened the lowest drawer, retrieving a small, velvety, dark blue box. We sat up as I held covers against my bare body, feeling my eyes fill with tears once he showed me content of the box. 

"I wanted to give it to you on Christmas, but..."- nearly whispered my boyfriend, taking my hand in his large, soft, lukewarm one. 

"I promise to find my way back to you, ma princesse."- he swore meaningfully, gently sliding the beautiful creation on my finger. 

Platinum ring with small, crystal clear diamonds that form a dainty, elegant, magnificent peach blossom. The blossom forms the rim of the sublime, meaningful ring.

"I promise I will always love you, Luna. My love will always run deep, endlessly, unconditionally and truly for you. You are my only one, I know it in my heart. I promise to always be your shoulder to lean on, to do my best to make you smile as angelically as only you can. I promise to take care of you in ways nobody else ever will."- stated sincerely my love, putting the perfect ring in place. 

"I promise that this is not the end, la mia piccola pesca. What we have is everlasting and I won't let it fade away."- said lovingly Adriano, laying feathery kiss on the ring and my hands. 

My tears streamed down my face like waterfall as I cupped his handsome face, kissing him devotedly, conveying all my adoration and love for him.

"Just promise me one thing, mon ange."- pleaded against my lips Adriano, cupping my cheek fondly. 

"Promise me that you will wear it until your feelings for me change."- he almost whispered, hurt laced in his velvety voice. 

"I will never take it off, mon amour."- I swore genuinely, melting our lips in a slow, intimate, deep, affectionate kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

I am capable of loving only Adriano. My heart united with his own, my soul intertwined with his own, my body trusts only him, my mind is consumed by him. I will love him forever and ever, passionately and truly, unconditionally and devotedly. 

"Don't stop."- I begged softly, pulling him closer, my soul aching. 

And he didn't stop. 

My back collided with cold, white sheets, yet I was warmer than ever, having his strapping body to keep me mellow. Our lips caressed amorously, desperately mending our broken hearts. I reached for the nightstand, taking the rubber out of the opened drawer that has been that way ever since yesterday's evening. 

He opened the package, rolling latex on his hard, thick, long erection, leaving trails of divine kisses on my body, making me moan in pleasure. 

"Adriano."- I moaned softly, running my fingers through his voluminous, curly, midnight black hair, as he kissed my breasts, leaving his love bites on my hips, waist, chest and neck. 

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