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Cloud's P.O.V.

One moment my beautiful daughter was walking down the path, greeting the headmaster and taking her Master's degree in Fine Arts.

The next moment I am looking for her, unable to spot her anywhere, no matter how many guards are out there, flipping every rock and leaf upside down.

"Où est ma fille?!"- I mutter in anger and worry, gripping my phone tightly with one hand while the other is clutching a big, blooming bouquet of cherry blossoms and peonies - my little daughter's favourites. (Where is my daughter?!)

"Nous continuerons à chercher, chef."- my right hand replied while Maria came to me with a smile and reached for my forearm, guiding me somewhere. (We will keep searching, boss.)

I gave the order to keep looking for my small angel everywhere, all over the university's grounds, and followed my wife, fucking baffled by her content smile because our daughter was out of our sight for an hour now.

We left the main ceremonial area, passed the library and parking and, at last, she stopped not far from the most secluded corner of the garden, showing me the reason for her smile.

There is our baby girl, pressed against the old oak tree by her fiancé's tall, muscular body. Her arms are around his neck, tugging him impossibly closer, and his arms are tightly banded around her trim waist as they kiss passionately and share whispers so sweet that their smiles blossom and glimmer.

"S'il n'était pas un jeune homme aussi merveilleux et si je ne savais pas à quel point il aime notre fille, il serait sans mains ni tête en ce moment."- I told my breathtaking wife and she smiled, her eyes glossy as they locked on mine. (If he weren't such a wonderful young man and if I didn't know how fiercely he loves our daughter, he would be without hands and head right now.)

"I am so happy for our baby girl, mon monde. Just yesterday she was so devastated and vulnerable, swamped with just about everything, and now look at them. He is perfect for Luna, Cloud. He is the one for our little princess."- Maria said sincerely, her gentle voice shaky and emotional, and I cupped her cheek while kissing away her tears. (My world.)

"He is indeed the one for our baby girl, ma déesse."- I replied genuinely, not seeing our Luna with any other man no matter the circumstances. (My goddess.)

I spared one more glance at our daughter, the happiest to see the twinkles in her eyes and joy in her radiant smile.

"Il n'a pas intérêt à baisser les mains."- I stated with a raised brow, not missing how confidently Adriano's hands lowered down to Luna's hips. (He better not move his hands any lower.)

"Il est son fiancé, mon monde. Je suis presque certain que Luna l'autorise à toucher n'importe quelle partie d'elle, n'importe où et n'importe quand."- Maria said with a giggle and glanced at them, laughing when she saw me glare at Adriano. (He is her fiancé, my world. I am rather certain that Luna allows him to touch any part of her anywhere and at any time.)

"Ne faites pas comme si c'était un crime."- she said lovingly and turned my head to face her, her juicy lips pressing into mine, successfully erasing my glare. (Don't act like it is a crime.)

We returned to others, leaving the love birds in their own bubble, and we came back in time to see Leonardo commanding his men to look for his son.

"No need for that. Adriano is with Luna, they are well."- I told my almost in-laws, smiling when Leonardo and Camila beamed, just as happy for them as we are.

"Oh, I bet that well will end up with my bestie riding her fiancé's dick in his sexy, new Ferrari."- Avery giggled and bit into a doughnut with red, sparkly glaze as Domenico tucked her into his side and smirked.

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