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I shifted under soft covers and my hand brushed against my cheek, every fibre of my body tingling when I felt it

My beautiful engagement ring.

Mon Dieu, ne me réveille jamais. (God, don't ever wake me up.)

I smiled sleepily, grinning as I opened my eyes, my ring glimmering in the sunlight, reminding me of the proposal of my dreams. 

And my morning only got better: the sweetest good morning kiss from my fiancé, his beautiful smile and loving embrace - a recipe for the most incredible day. 

"You and I forever, mon soleil."- I whispered happily, my lips brushing against his, my hands on his sharp jawline. (My sun.)

"For far longer than forever, mia piccola pesca. I will be yours for far longer than eternity."- spoke Adriano, pressing our lips together in a fervent kiss full of attachment and commitment.

My heart found its home and peace, I found a person I want to build an empire with and conquer the world with. 

After the hell we went through, this is finally our time to love and create a tranquil Eden of our own. 

"Papa's jaw will drop."- I giggled, resting my forehead against his, and he chuckled beautifully, hugging me tighter to himself. 

"I might have hinted at my immense desire to marry you a while back, mia piccola."- he said with a smile, gazing into my blue-green eyes. 

"Well, considering that you are alive after that, I'd say you have his blessing."- I spoke genuinely, my heart fluttering as I saw how much it means to him. 

"I cannot wait to marry you, mon nounours."- I murmured like a love-drunk teenage girl, full of excitement and hopefulness. 

"Non hai idea di quanto abbia aspettato questo momento, mia amata principessa. Voglio essere tuo marito e chiamarti moglie più di quanto le parole possano mai dire."- said Adri, his honeyed voice laced with adoration, and Dieu, I don't think my heart can take any more of this. (You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this, my beloved princess. I want to be your husband to call you my wife more than words will ever tell.) 

I have never been this happy.


We are leaving back for the U.S.A today, so we want to make the most of today. 

And that plan begins with a tropical, delicious breakfast in the pool.

"You know that she is my fiancée?"- I mumbled, frowning when Naldo selfishly took my place, nuzzling his muzzle on Lu's chest - a place, where I am supposed to nuzzle my face, not him. 

"Look how cute he is: those gorgeous, big, black eyes and that adorable nose. Such a squishable dog."- cooed Luna, kissing his muzzle, and I frowned, turning away from the two of them. 

Not fucking fair. 

My Luna, not his. 

"Aww, mon univers, are you pouting?"- asked Luna, hugging me from behind and kissing my back. 

"Ask Naldo."- I murmured, fighting my smile when she placed the sweetest kisses on my shoulder, all of her attention on me. 

"Tu fais certainement la moue."- said my beloved, clinging me to just the way I fucking love: that winsome, cute koala hug of hers. (You most definitely are pouting.) 

"Ti amo così tanto, mio bel principe."- spoke Lu lovingly, kissing my arm gently as I bit back my grin. (I love you so much, my handsome prince)

She most definitely chose the right approach: my most favourite type of hug, confessions of her priceless love for me in my mother tongue, affectionate kisses and caresses - my soulmate, no doubt here. 

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