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We stayed in Hawaii for 2 more weeks, which meant that we arrived in Paris on August 20th. 

As soon as we landed, we were swept into wedding preparation.

"Il s'agit d'un gâteau au chocolat noir avec de la mousse de chocolat à l'intérieur. Il a une saveur très intense, mais il est magnifique avec un décor blanc."- the most superb pasty chef in France described yet another cake, which my beloved and I began tasting. (This is dark chocolate cake with chocolate musse inside. It has a very intense flavour, but it looks astonishing with white decor over it.) 

"Ce n'est pas pour moi."- I murmured with a pout and reached for a glass of water, too overwhelmed with the flavour. (This is not for me.) 

"Je ne l'aime pas non plus. C'est trop."- Adriano agreed with me and took a few sips of water as his hand rested on my thigh, squeezing it gently. (I don't like it either. It is too much.) 

Carrot cake, red velvet, lemon, strawberry, white chocolate and about 15 more flavours were offered one after another. The chef kept describing every flavour and how we could possibly pair well with such cake - cupcakes, eclairs, shortbread biscuits and plenty of other confections.

But none of these ideas made us say yes, no matter how exquisite they seemed. 

"Il s'agit d'un gâteau léger et moelleux auquel on ajoute de la cannelle, de la noix de muscade, du clou de girofle, du piment de la Jamaïque et du gingembre. Il est recouvert d'un glaçage au fromage frais avec des morceaux de fraises à l'intérieur. La couche rouge est un fromage blanc à la fraise avec un peu de citron et de menthe. L'extérieur du gâteau est recouvert de chocolat blanc."- the chef described the last cake on offer, sitting up straighter as he watched us try it. (This is a light, fluffy cake with the addition of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, allspice, and ginger. It is layered with cream cheese frosting with pieces of strawberry inside. The red layer is strawberry curd with a little bit of lemon and mint. The outside of the cake is covered with white chocolate.)

A quiet, breathy sigh of pure pleasure was all impossible to hold in. 

"C'est incroyable."- Adri stated for the two of us and I nodded eagerly, quick to take a second spoonful and the chef grinned in delight. (It is amazing.)

"C'est mon préféré, je suis heureuse que vous l'ayez apprécié tous les deux."- the joy and pride seeped off the chef's voice. (It is my personal favourite, I am glad the two of you liked it.)

"Comment voulez-vous décorer le gâteau? Voulez-vous quelque chose de chic et d'extravagant ou quelque chose de simple?" - he asked us mildly and took a pen to write down what cake we chose and to start sketching the design of our cake. (How would you like to decorate the cake? Do you want something posh and extravagant or something simple?) 

"Quelque chose de classique et de simple. Pas de paillettes, d'or ou d'autres choses de ce genre."- I answered softly and glanced at my fiancé, who nodded in confirmation and leaned down a little to kiss my forehead. (Something classic and simple. No sparkles, gold or anything like that.)

"Vous êtes spécialisée dans les créations à base de fleurs réelles et comestibles, n'est-ce pas ?"- my beloved asked the chef and I looked at my love, liquefying when his arm wrapped around my shoulders to tuck me into his side. (You specialise in making makes with real and edible flowers, don't you?) 

I never told him that I wanted a cake like that because I knew that if I did, he would make my wish come true, no questions asked, and I couldn't let him do it because he deserved to have a say in this as much as I did.

𝘓𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘢 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢 𝘱𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘢.Where stories live. Discover now