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I couldn't sleep last night. 

My heart felt like it was being split wide open, every beat a reminder of Luna's absence. The bed felt too big, too fucking empty without her. I kept tossing and turning, each position more uncomfortable than the last. My mind was a mess, swirling with thoughts of her. Her laugh, her touch, the way she'd snuggle into me—all of it played on a relentless loop that made the longing unbearable. 

I fucking hated being away from my girl.

"Teo, you motherfucker!"- Dominico screamed too damn loudly, the sound like nails on a chalkboard, harsh and grating.

I grabbed a pillow and pressed it over my head, trying to block out the noise.

I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to get up. 

I heard the suite door open, footsteps crossing the threshold. Someone was coming in, despite my silent plea for solitude and quiet. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and clenched my jaw, hoping they would take the fucking hint and leave me alone. 

But the footsteps grew louder, closer. 

In less than a minute, my bedroom door burst open. Light flooded the room, and I reluctantly lifted the pillow just enough to see Dominico standing there, looking dumbstruck. His eyes widened for a brief moment as he took in the sight of me, clearly not expecting to find me in such a state. Right behind him, Mateo and Samuel followed, their expressions were images of pure amusement. 

"Top or bottom. Answer. Fast, don't think about it."- Dominico's voice cut through the dim morning light, sharp and insistent. 

His relentless pacing in my bedroom was like a metronome of irritation, each step echoing my growing headache. I could barely keep my eyes open, my mind still foggy from a sleepless night consumed by longing for Luna.

"Top."- I muttered, almost reflexively, my voice husky and quiet. 

I let my body sink into the mattress, exhaustion weighing me down as I stared blankly at the ceiling. I was too drained to deal with their incessant probing.

"I fucking knew it! Teo is the fucking bottom!"- Dominico's outburst was full of frustration, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and confusion that made Teo and Sam snicker behind him. 

"I do not want to know in what positions any of you fuck. Get out of my suite."- I said, my voice a tired rasp, and rubbed my hands over my face, hoping to press away the mounting frustration and exhaustion.

"Well, Teo is Russo, so the fact that he's the bottom must be shocking."- uncle Martin's voice interrupted, carrying a note of amused bemusement as he strolled in casually, cradling a steaming cup of coffee as though it were the most normal thing in the world. "I'm positive your papà is the top, always. And, apparently, Domenico and you, Adriano, are too. That dominance gene still runs deep in the Russo family."

I wanted nothing more than to be left alone, to curl up in my misery without this invasive scrutiny.

"Don't act as if you don't let Avery get on top."- Sam's comment came next, his smirk widening as he leaned against the doorframe, clearly enjoying my discomfort. 

The three of them seemed impervious to my pleading for peace.

"I would let her, but she likes the princess treatment, so she loves being the bottom."- Dominico continued, divulging far too much personal information with a pleased grin. 

I covered my face with my hands, my fingers combing through my messy hair in a futile attempt to suppress the overwhelming mix of fatigue and irritation.

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