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Sunlight poured into the bedroom like liquid gold, casting a warm glow over everything it touched. It crept across the bed, illuminating the white sheets that were tangled around our bodies, and fell on Luna's delicate hand that rested right over my heart, the beams highlighting the diamond rings on her tiny finger. The way they sparkled in the light made my chest tighten.

My wife. 

Those two words sent a deep surge of joy through me. I couldn't stop smiling. How could I? She was mine, my love, my everything.

I gently pulled her closer, needing her warmth against me, and buried my face in her hair. Her scent was intoxicating, sweet cherries mixed with the slightest hint of something else—something uniquely her. I inhaled deeply, savouring it, knowing I could never get enough of her. My hand slid down her back, tracing the soft curve of her waist, pulling her bare body against mine. The feel of her skin against mine made my heart beat harder, faster.

Luna stirred, shifting slightly as she snuggled into me, her head fitting perfectly on my chest, her breath soft and steady. I felt her heartbeat, slow and calm, in sync with mine, and I kissed the top of her head, letting my lips linger there for a moment, feeling the silky strands of her hair brush against me. My fingers splayed over the curve of her hip, drawing her as close as humanly possible. I wanted to melt into her, wanted this moment to last forever.

Everything about her made me feel...alive. More alive than I'd ever felt before. My wife. My forever. The sheer thought made my heart skip. I'd dreamed about this for so long, imagined what it would feel like to call her mine in every sense of the word, but reality surpassed every fantasy I'd ever had. She was my wife, and I was hers. No more waiting, no more wondering. It was real.

I sighed, a low, contented sound that came from deep within, and turned my gaze towards the windows. The sunlight was bright and warm, the sky clear, and the clock was ticking far past lunchtime. We had slept in late, not that it surprised me. We had made love all night, from dusk until dawn, losing ourselves in each other over and over again. The memory made my lips curve into a dark, satisfied smirk. Her sensuous body, her sweet sounds, the way she clung to me—I couldn't get enough. Every kiss, every touch, every breath shared was burned into my mind.

I looked down at Luna, at the way she was so peacefully curled into me, her hand still resting on my chest, her fingers lightly brushing my skin. I reached out and cradled her tiny hand, my thumb tracing over the rings on her finger, a silent reminder of the vows we made. She shifted slightly, her slender body pressing closer, her warmth seeping into me.

I wrapped my arms around her tighter, kissing her pretty head again, letting the feeling of her in my arms sink deep into my bones.

This was it. This was forever. This was our happily ever after. 


As Adriano's fingers laced through mine, I felt the coolness of his wedding band press against my warm skin. It was such a small thing, yet it meant everything. His wedding band. The symbol of our love, of the vows we had made, now resting against me like a quiet promise. My heart swelled with emotion, and I smiled softly to myself. 

My husband. My Adriano.

He was mine—forever and far longer than that. That thought alone was enough to fill me with an overwhelming sense of joy, like my chest couldn't contain it all. I had dreamed of this, but the reality of it was even better, more beautiful. I squeezed his hand gently, feeling the strength in his long, slender fingers, the familiar touch I had grown to love so much. The weight of his presence beside me felt grounding like everything in the world was exactly where it should be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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