3. The Forest Floor

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"We're back bitches!" Octavia shrieked freely.

Everybody else took this as a signal to leave, charging out the dropship and jumping onto the ground... running around like idiots as they lay eyes on their new surroundings.

"Bellamy... this is amazing!" She called back to her brother who had his hands of his hips as he watched everyone else.

It was only then I truly got a good look of my new home. The colours more vivid than anything I had seen before. The air sweeter than any oxygen I had ever breathed on The Ark. The sounds were unlike anything I had ever heard: twittering, the wind blowing through the trees. I knew I was going to be happy here. But as a group, we had one mission, get to the supply depot in Mount Weather.

A few excited, freedom hungry teens swept pass me, knocking me onto the hard metal ground of the dropship... I'm pretty sure one stepped on me purposefully. I let out a pained noise, hoping someone would at least be courteous and help me up. But no one seemed to care... They all wanted to touch the ground. I stood up and brushed myself of just as Wells and Finn walked up behind me.

"Woah" they both said in unison which made me jump, I had completely forgotten that both were unconscious. I wished one of them still was. Finn ran out the ship and joined his friends whilst Wells came and stood by my side.

"Look Clarke, I'm really sorry..." Wells mumbled...

"Forget it." I uttered whilst storming out of the dropship.

I was even amazed by the way the floor bounced under my feet... but Mount Weather was the main priority... Pretty views and forest floors later. I bent down and picked up a map that was at my feet... my father had taught me how to map read, so I could just about make sense of the colours and lines before my eyes.

After spending 10 minutes trying to block out the screeching of overjoyed teens and attempting to work out work out where we were before I realised.

"They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain..." I thought out loud. Two guys behind heard and tapped me on the shoulder.

One had a pair of goggles around his neck, he was lanky and thin; the other was a small Asian guy, messy black hair and an expression of confusion on his face.

"What do you mean we're on the wrong mountain...?" The one with goggles asked me.

"I'm Monty, and this is Jasper by the way. It's Clarke right? But still, what do you mean, this is Mount Weather right?" the other one questioned.

I showed them the map and explained how we were on the wrong mountain. They glanced at each other and Monty swallowed sharply. He followed with the question of where Mount Weather was.

I sighed and looked straight up ahead of me, the two boys following my gaze to look directly across a vast forest with Mount Weather on the horizon.

"Shit" Jasper gasped.


I had walked off, away from the dropship to figure out a plan to get to Mount Weather. There was no one here that was going to help me, except maybe Wells and I didn't want his help... so it was on me.

I walked through the dense forest for what seemed like at least an hour before I came across a magnificent waterfall running into a slow river. If I wasn't so caught up in my thoughts I would dive into the cool water right away... Clothes and all.

I slumped down on the pebbles by the edge of the waterfall letting the watery mist cool me down. It was July here on Earth and that meant the sun was as fierce as it could be on this hot summers day. Jasper was right. Shit is what we were in... and I had no idea how to get out. I let the cool mist soak my clothes and my hair before I decided I should head back to camp. The walk was long and the sun would dry me off.

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