19. War is Imminent

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Luckily, the camp had returned to normal, people didn't mention my outburst that had happened... But I'm sure none of them forgot it. Including Finn and Bellamy.

Especially Bellamy.

I hadn't talked to him much. And when I did... It was about the camp, or how we will survive, or what will happen when the first Exodus ship come to the ground in what was less than two weeks.

I had somehow managed to make a long, metaphorical list of people I didn't want to talk to:

My mom





And it was getting ridiculous.

I now shared a large tent with Octavia, who kept me calm when the stress was too much, and I kept her calm whenever she worried about Lincoln. And that had been a lot recently.


"I will ask you again, Lincoln. Who gave the Skypeople the cure...?" Anya hissed at me, my hands restrained behind my back.

"I will tell you again Commander... I don't know. Why would I know...?" I asked in response. I was getting nervous that she knew of my love for Octavia, which was a forbidden love under all accounts. I had given her people the cure, so they would recover and we wouldn't go to war. That was the last thing my people needed, we were already disputing with the Ice Nation from the North as they had taken Lexa's lover (Lexa is Anya's second, destined to become leader of my people) meaning we would be fighting a two-front war. Not to mention what Anya was doing was wrong. These people wished to live in peace... side by side. That's what Octavia had told me anyway.

"Lincoln... I am growing tiresome from your lies. However...  I have no proof." She walked towards me bringing a sharp blade to my throat.

"But I will get it. And when I do, you will die by a thousand cuts before we march onto the Sky people. And if I don't get my proof... well, we will kill the Skypeople anyway" She took the blade to my back, cutting me free and leaving the room once more.

I had to make a decision...

If I stay, then I will be found out and I will be executed then dead as Anya goes to war against Octavia and her friends, killing them all.

If I go, with Octavia... we can go to the Boat People, to Luna along the coast... where we will be safe. Octavia and I will be safe together.

I waited that night to meet with Octavia at our usual place, just beyond the waterfall and I told her of my plan.

"So we can all go...?" She asked me with wide eyes.

"No. Only you and I." I replied, watching as her face dropped slightly.

"But I can't just leave. They're my friends over there! Clarke, Jasp, Monty, Raven and my family... Bellamy is over there!"

"There is no other way to ensure your safety... Anya will know of our relationship and she will sentence me to death for treachery. There is no way around it. I am sorry." I asked her.

She looked at the ground for a while before popping her head up.

"Train me."

She clearly saw my look of confusion so she carried on.

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