12. Lost ( I )

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"Don't let her out" I shouted to Samuel and Beck, who we're manning the gate. I swear, Clarke was going crazy or something. She couldn't just 'go for a walk' and expect to be okay with the Grounders out there... That's what I thought anyway.

Like Clarke had told me, they know we're here, she saw them the previous night rushing through trees. We saw how ruthless they were in the day time, so who knew what they could do at night.

She spun around to face me from the other side of camp, calling my name.


And before I had time to say what, she glared at me as she spoke.

"Shut up."

She then nodded to that guards on the gate as they let her leave and with that she was gone.

Princesses do what they want I guess

I can understand why she was in a bad mood. I probably would be too, if I had been in the same position. After all, her best friend is dead, the boy she loved had a girlfriend, she had had an argument with her mother down the radio, she had seen these Grounders running around the woods, I had just told her exactly why I was here... and I admitted to her that I didn't want any help from The Ark. Understandable I guess.

I did feel bad for her, and as I stood in camp, by the dropship, alone; I decided it was only right to wait for her to come back and comfort her. I wasn't the most comforting person ever... but I would do my best.

But in that moment, Clarke wasn't there and I had to keep myself pre-occupied whilst I waited upon her return so I walked over to the tent that belonged to Octavia. I stepped inside and saw it was filled with flowers and other small, natural oddities. She really had made it her own. Being locked under the floor for 15 years, then in a jail cell for another 2... I could understand why she was like the way she was. I was being harsh, forcing her to stay inside... but it was only to protect her from what could've been outside. And I could see she had been busy with interior décor anyway.

I silently took 3 steps towards her bed, looking at the shape in the blankets that was my little sister. She was so strong and brave... And I would do anything to protect her, and as I pulled back the covers, expecting to see the elegant features of Octavia... I was met by a long mound of blankets and spare clothes.

"Son of a bitch..." I muttered under my breath.

I had no idea where she was, the last I had saw her she was walking into her tent, ready to settle down for the night.


I made towards Jasper's and Monty's tent, on the other side of camp. I was desperately hoping she was with her new love interest... which I didn't approve of, after all, no one puts his hands on my sister.

I barged through the flap, they were both asleep... I started to move around making Monty and Jasper sit up quickly looking confused as I searched through the tent.

Monty yawned and then spoke in a raspy voice.

"And how can we help you on this fine... eve-morning. Or whatever the hell this is."

"I've lost Octavia... she's not in her tent and she's not around camp. I was kinda hoping she was in here with you." I looked towards Jasper who swallowed and blinked nervously.

"Where is she?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

"If I knew, would I be in here?" I gestured around the tent, stating the obvious.

"I'm sending out a search party when Clarke gets back, thanks for volunteering guys."

"Er, we didn't...?" Jasper called behind me.

 I then walked out the tent, hoping Clarke would return as soon as possible... someone had to be here to maintain the order of the camp, and Clarke was a better leader than I anyway.

I waited.

And waited.

I waited for what must have been hours, constantly waiting for either Clarke or Octavia's return... the sun was beginning to rise over the peak of Mt. Weather... and neither of the girls had returned.

I went to everyone I needed who was asleep and told them to meet me by the gate 10 minutes later.

I had rounded up a team of the 9 most trustworthy people in camp. And Finn. But Finn could track, and that's something we needed.

Jasper, Monty, Finn, two girls called Monroe and Harper, Miller, Murphy, a guy called Dax, Atom and Myself all left in search of Clarke and Octavia. We had been walking for what must've been at least an hour. Jasper and Monty had been joking and laughing the whole way, Monroe and Harper and walked together, talking about some guy on The Ark named Tate, Finn was walking just ahead of the group, his head down. Whether he was tracking or sulking, I didn't really care. Miller, Murphy, Dax, Atom and I walked in silence, sweeping the woods with our eyes.

I spun around and called the group to be silent.

"We're not going to get anywhere with this lack of focus and in a large group. So we're splitting up into two smaller groups, one looks for Clarke and the other for Octavia." I was about to continue when Murphy interrupted.

"Bad idea. Splitting up." He tutted before I grabbed his collar and pushed him against a tree.

"Wanna be in a group of one Murphy?" I growled. I let him go and I continued speaking.

"Like I was saying two groups. One group will be me, Harper, Jasper, Miller and Atom. The other will be Finn, Murphy, Dax, Monroe and Monty. My group, Octavia... Finn's group, Clarke. If you find them, take them straight back to camp, and we will meet at night fall." And with that we went our separate ways.

It annoyed me that I had to send Finn to get Clarke, but I needed to find Octavia, and Finn was probably the most responsible one here aside from me.


I awoke in a dark room that smelt damp and dirty. I opened my eyes slowly only to find more darkness where there should've been light. I had the worst headache and my throat was so dry. I tried to swallow but no liquid touched my throat.

I pushed myself up off the cold stone floor when I remembered what had happened.

"Clarke!" I whispered into the darkness.

"Clarke!" I tried again. I got no response... I was all alone, and Clarke would know how to get out of a situation like this.

"NO STOP! PLEASE!" Clarke pleaded from the distance

"Clarke!" I screamed, hoping she would come and get me... I tried to stand only to discover my captors had tied up my ankles, and my wrists too.

I searched the darkness, trying to find some way of getting out. But I came across nothing.

A door opened opposite me, letting light from the torches outside flood in.I squinted at first, the amount of light made my eyes ache for a moment. I looked around me and saw I was in a small room with tiles lining the walls, floor and ceiling. It had no windows and the floor was covered in human remains, moss and mould lurked in the corners.

A tall man who had a long brown beard and tattoos of strange shapes covering his face marched in, dragging Clarke's lifeless body. He threw her down at my feet.


This was orginally one chapter but I decided to split it into two parts as all my chapters have been fairly long so I split this one into two bits. I actually can't belive this has almost got 500 reads! It's so amazing thank you all! And I still can't get over that finale... so good! x

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