22. One Hell of a Unity Day

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Dedicted to ALIEN56 for reading every chapter and voting :)



I awoke to the autumn sun, shining onto the canvas of the tent, casting a faint red glow over everything.
I sat up, stretching my arms out and rubbing my eyes. I glanced over at Octavia who was still fast asleep, clutching a small book Lincoln had giving her.

Life was pretty good, apart from the fact we were preparing to go to war. I swung my legs over the side of my makeshift bed, pushing the animal fur to the side as I thought back to last night, the look on people’s faces as they saw the guns. It was a look of hope and determination, knowing we actually have a chance at beating the Grounders, beating Anya.

I looked down at my bare legs that where hanging over the side of the bed, my toes resting against the forest floor. The bruises and cuts that had been put there due to the Grounders were now fading however, some leaving horrible scars that made me sigh at the sight. I had almost returned to normal, both physically and emotionally. I had gained weight and I was cheerful once again, which made a smile cross my face as I got up, wandering quietly over to my clothes, trying not to wake Octavia.

I had taken my top off, and just as I was pulling a fresh one over my head; Jasper bounded into the tent, stopping to look at me for a moment as my head got stuck in the hole. I had pretty much gotten used to people enter and exit what should be my private place, so it didn’t really bother me much.

“Um… you need help there Clarke…?” Jasper asked me. I could see him through the fabric, trying not to laugh. I pulled the top over my head and rolled my eyes.

“Octavia is still asleep Jasp. Plus can you just turn around so I can get my pants on? What do you want…?” I asked him as he turned around and I pulled my trousers on.

“Oh, well it’s Unity Day today according to Jackson on the radio so I was wondering…” He said, stopping at the end, as if he were nervous to ask.

“I can’t answer unless you tell me.” I said, slightly annoyed at how long he was taking when Monty emerged into the tent as well.

Damn, this isn’t a free for all…

“We were wondering if we could celebrate tonight, playing coin toss and stuff.” Monty suggested, watching me lace up my boots and letting Jasper know he could turn around.
Why they were coming to ask me this information instead of Bellamy was beyond me.
Octavia suddenly spoke whilst her eyes were still closed, her head remaining against the pillow.
“Coin toss requires drunk teens. And unless we can get some of Monty’s Moonshine then I guess it will be sober coin toss. Which sucks. Take that from the girl who tried to play it every year in her room alone, it doesn’t work.” She sat up once she had finished speaking, Jasper sitting next to her, holding Octavia in his arms. I shot her a look as if to say ‘You’ve got to tell him some time’ before turning to Monty.

“Moonshine…? You’ve been brewing Moonshine?” I asked him, unaware of the alcohol situation in camp. He nodded nervously.
“Okay then. Sure, we all deserve a break really… Why not?” I chuckled to myself, thinking of the times I had played coin toss on The Ark with a cup of Moonshine in my hands.

“Thank God.” Monty muttered under his breath before speaking up.
“Good thing we came to you first, and not Bellamy… he would’ve been mad that we had been brewing it.”

And as if by chance, Bellamy swanned in, joining the communal meeting in the tent.
“Jesus Christ…” I said under my breath.

“Speak of the devil…” Octavia spoke from her bed as Bellamy scanned everyone in the tent suspiciously.

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