7. Distractions and Daggers

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Clarke didn’t belong to me… nor did I belong to her. But seeing Finn kiss her sent knots of jealousy running through me. At first, I thought she was going to push him away, but she went with it… Kissing Finn as if she didn’t care.

Game fucking on Finn.

Clarke lay on the metal bench with her eyes shut, she looked peaceful once more. I pulled a small stool up to her side, made from a bucket and hard metal pipes. As I pulled the stool, it made a scraping noise on the floor, but Clarke didn’t stir. I checked her wound… and it had already started to lose the cocktail of colour and return to its original hue. I suppose the radiation on Earth was so high, that even the plants had mutated weird ways of getting by.
As I brushed my hands over her neck she shivered in her sleep, she was still wet and it was getting colder. I took of my jacket and laid it over her letting my body heat warm her up, and she relaxed immediately… however, I was now left without a jacket and I was just in a t-shirt. I started to shiver as a slight wind blew through the dropship… whistling in a way that made me shiver more. Clarke seemed to be fine, after all she was a big girl and she could take care of herself. I walked out, craning my neck upwards towards the sky. A regiment of dark, ominous clouds were looming overhead and I could tell this night was going to be a windy one as the leaves danced along the floor around me.

What the-

I looked over the camp to see Octavia and Jasper all over each other… Sure Jasper was nice and all, but almost anything Octavia does is irresponsible, and I had promised myself and my dead mother that I would do all in my power to protect her.


I never knew Earth could be this fun… my brother had kept me protected for so long that I had barely done anything since stepping out that damn dropship. I walked out my tent, hand in hand with Jasper, I hadn’t seen or heard of Bellamy in a while so I guessed he wasn’t around.

A little kiss hasn’t ever hurt anyone…

I flung my arms around Jasper’s neck and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back and we both let out a giggle as we kissed. Jasper was a really sweet guy… and it was kind of obvious he had a crush on me, but what Bellamy didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
On The Ark, he had always been there for me, even after mom got floated; although I had spent 15 years being trapped in my room, he always protected me… but recently, he had been to protective… It was like I couldn’t breathe without his consent.
It was technically his fault we were down here. If he hadn’t let me go to the Unity Day Masquerade Dance then I wouldn’t have been locked up for an entire year before being sent down to this planet, and he wouldn’t be here to protect me. However, in a way I was thankful… I was the first person on the ground in 97 years… And that was pretty cool.

“Octavia?” Bellamy shouted from somewhere. Jasper and I pulled away at the same time
“Jesus Christ” I murmured and Jasper took a sharp breath as Bellamy starting strutting towards us from the entrance of the dropship.
“Our story is that you kissed me and I wasn’t expecting it, okay?” I said to Jasper out of the corner of my mouth.
“What no! Don’t make me seem like the bad guy in-“ He started.

“And what are you two doing.” My brother commanded, glaring at me.

“You see Bell, I was just going about my business, just checking the um… floor…”
Floor, what the hell Octavia. Lame excuse or what
“And then Jack here…”

“Jasper” Bellamy corrected, I knew his name of course… but I was trying to cover up for myself. But I was pretty bad at lying.  

“Jasper, yeah whatever, he just came out of no-where and flung himself onto me… I don’t really know what was happening. Honest.”
I glanced at Jasper who was staring straight ahead, trying not to give anything away. We were both still quite drunk, which didn’t make our situation any easier.

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