6. Game on

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I left camp knowing Clarke would be safe, even though I had put her in the hands of Jasper and Monty.
I had never really been into the forest alone, I had always had a group with me, if not a group then Miller. This time it was different, being by myself.
I noticed how the leaves beneath me crunched with each step, how the birds whistled conversations with each other… Earth really was beautiful, and a dying Clarke had helped me realise this.

I walked in the general direction of the waterfall, desperately hoping to come across this meadow Clarke had told me about.

Why is Clarke down here, what is her crime… maybe being too perfect?
I smirked at myself before reaching the edge of the small clearing. It was full of wildflowers, grass and life. I looked at it for a short while, it was easy to understand why she was so fond of it.
I was soon wading through the tall grass, briskly looking left and right, searching for purple flowers among the greens, yellows and white.

I had covered the whole clearing without one sight of the herb that was needed.
I paced around the meadow once.
Three times.
Sure, there was plenty of daylight left… but how much time Clarke had was the question. To be honest… I started to wonder if she had even ever seen this herb in the meadow. And I was in the right meadow, I was beginning to lose hope.
“God damn!” I shouted as I kicked a stump of wood, soil and grass flying around me.

There it was… A tiny dark green stem, with a perfect purple flower perched on top, I had found it, as if by coincidence.
And now I had seen one, I started to see more… I swear, I had my moments of genius, but this wasn’t one of them.

No! NO NO NO!” someone in the distance screamed. I flicked my head up and listened attentively. At first I didn’t know who this person was… It was female but they sounded distressed and they seemed to be losing their voice, making them sound weak and croaky. I kept listening, curious to find out who this was…
“NO WELLS YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND I DIDN’T LET YOU DIE WELLS –WELLS.” And it was only then I recognised the voice. No one else would beg to Wells Jaha, no one else would have this much fear in their voice trying to escape from a boy who had died only a week before.

“CLARKE!” I bellowed, letting my voice echo in-between the trees… No response.
“CLARKE!” I asked again, still getting no response. I quickly stuffed the herbs I had gathered into my jacket pocket and headed towards the source of the noise.

I started off jogging…
Then I started to run, as fast as my legs would allow.
I reached the tree line just before the river as I saw Clarke, backed against a rock… She had a wild look on her face, the light gone from her bright blue eyes… only to be replaced with fear. She was swatting the air before her and cowering against the rock, as if someone had a knife to her throat.

I didn’t know what to do. I stood there and watched before she ran away from the rock, pushing this invisible force out of the way… She jumped.
And landed face first in the water, quickly disappearing beneath the calm surface

“Shit.” I muttered. Clarke appeared once more… but she was face down in the water, and she wasn’t moving. “CLARKE!” I shouted, as I ripped of my jacket and sprinted to the water, neatly diving beside Clarke. I resurfaced and grabbed Clarke, turning her so she was on her back. Her lips had already turned blue and her face was losing its colour fast.

I put her on my back as I swan to the nearest edge, pushing her light, lifeless body up first before pulling myself beside her. I knew what had to be done.

I haven’t done this before… first time for everything Bellamy.

I straddled her, my body only inches away from her sopping wet one. I put my hand above where I thought her heart was and started to rapidly push down and up, desperate not to let Clarke go.
She was a natural born leader, they listened to her and they listened to me because she did… They wouldn’t listen to me by myself. I needed Clarke… we all did.

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