17. Nothing Lasts

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"OCTAVIA!" I was shouting into the forest only to get no response. I tried again before running to where she said she would be in shouting distance.

"OCTAVIA!" I shouted again. No response. She wouldn't have left me all alone, unless she had seen me with Bellamy. Which was the least of my worries.

I ran back to Bellamy who was lying on the bank of the river, sweating and bleeding from both his eyes and his nose. My hands fumbled as they hovered over his shaking body, not quite sure what to do. I had never seen anything quite like this on The Ark, but I knew it was an infection of some kind.

It was only minutes ago that I was sharing a kiss with him, savouring him on my lips. And now he lay before me, helpless and weak.

I started to cry... nothing good on this planet can even last 5 minutes before falling apart. I had Bellamy now. And I wasn't going to let him slip away from me after reuniting such a short while before.

"Can you walk...?" I asked him, after all... it was doing him no use to be outside the camp walls.

He gave me a moan which I assumed meant yes as I grabbed him and slung his arm over my shoulder.

I had grown weak since the grounders had taken me, so I was fully aware that getting Bellamy back to camp would be a struggle in itself. I picked up my clothes that lay on the floor before trying my best to get Bellamy back to camp safely.


Octavia came back into camp after taking Clarke to get washed up... however, she returned without her. Monty and I were now sat in the middle of camp, skinning rabbits that had been caught earlier in the day.

Octavia came towards the two of us and sat herself on the log opposite me. She hugged me as if nothing were wrong.

"Missing something...?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows in the process.

"What Clarke?" She replied, as if it were normal to leave someone by themselves.

"Well yeah, kind of!" I exclaimed as I scoffed... confused by Octavia's calm nature about the whole situation.

"It's fine, trust me on this." She smiled as she let out a sigh. I glanced over at Monty who was looking at me from under his eyebrows. She knew something we didn't.

All of a sudden, my throat started to fill up from the bottom, as if I were vomiting in slow motion. Before I had time to react, blood trickled from my lips and onto the half skinned animal in my hands. Monty gasped as Octavia's eyes filled with fear. People all around us were coughing up blood and some even had the red liquid coming from their eyes and ears.

It was only a few minutes before Octavia had set up a quarantine. Those who were sick in the dropship, those who weren't remained outside.

I was sat in the dropship with Monty and a few more of my friends, all unsure as to what had caused this bloody attack.

We heard commotion from outside about more people being infected, and the commotion drew closer to the dropship door before Bellamy and Clarke stumbled in, Clarke using all her might to carry Bellamy's big body. She laid him down before her eyes set on all of us that were in the dropship.


I had returned from a hunt with a few of the other guys, only to find the camp in... anarchy would be the best way to put it.

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